Once a Bride

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Book: Read Once a Bride for Free Online
Authors: Shari Anton
Tags: FIC027050
pamper or befriend Eloise Hamelin—not that he wanted to. The less he must deal with the woman, the better.
    Roland left the accounting room and closed the door behind him. He strode toward where Simon stood near the end of the passageway, Eloise pacing nearby. The gold trim on her crimson gown flashed in the light beaming in from an arrow slit.
    “No one is allowed to touch Father’s private documents without permission,” she petulantly told the steward. “Must we allow this affront?”
    “From an earl, I fear so,” Simon answered. “No matter that I share your distaste for his presence and mission, we cannot hinder Kenworth without putting our own necks, and your father’s, at further risk. What does he want with Brother Walter?”
    “He believes Father’s clerk can help him find whatever he searches for in more timely a manner. Truly, if I thought we could toss the earl out the gate without causing my father more difficulty, I would.”
    Then she turned to face him, her ire high yet carefully controlled. “If we must suffer this outrageous invasion of our home, I wish to know what your intentions are as overseer.”
    He didn’t have to explain anything to the daughter of the household, but given the presence of the steward, whose cooperation he needed for a peaceful surrender to his authority, he decided courtesy was in order.
    “The king gives me full charge over Lelleford. Sir John’s arrest puts the holding at risk, both from attack from without and turmoil from within. ’Tis my duty to see neither happens.”
    “You have proof of this grant of authority?”
    “I do, which I will give to Sir John as soon as he presents himself. Perhaps we should now retire to the hall to await his return.”
    “Giving orders already?”
    “Not an order, merely a suggestion. I see no sense in standing up here in the hallway when we might sit on a bench in the hall.”
    Eloise pursed her lips and turned to descend the tightly winding stairway. He and Simon followed in her regal wake across the hall to the table where flagons and goblets yet sat.
    She served her knights first, an unsubtle violation of the rules of hospitality, letting him know she didn’t consider him a guest but an intruder—as if he weren’t already aware. When she finally handed him a full goblet of the ruby wine, she did so with a look that suggested she’d rather toss the drink in his face.
    He took a sip and forced himself to appreciate the full body and rich aroma. Unfortunately, he couldn’t block out the fragrance of the woman who now stood so close to reluctantly serve him.
    Where other women wore flowery, cloying scents that merely hinted of their presence, Eloise smelled of a tangy exotic spice that flooded him with erotic thoughts, luring him to taste the delicacy so appealingly presented.
    He lifted the goblet in a slight salute. “Divine, as always.”
    Her lips curved up in a tight, false smile. “I am delighted you approve. You will be sure to let me know if this evening’s meal meets your particular standard.”
    “The earl once asked me if I had found any fault with Lelleford’s hospitality. In all sincerity I informed him I had not. I suspect he will find I told him true.”
    “Had I a choice …”
    “But you do not. Besides, even given the unfortunate circumstances, I doubt your pride would allow you to present less than Lelleford’s best.”
    “You believe you know me so well?”
    He’d taken her measure two months ago and hadn’t yet seen any reason to change his opinion. Prideful. Brazen. Too damn forward and outspoken.
    “Well enough.”
    She leaned forward and whispered, “You know nothing.”
    Her scent and nearness muddled his senses. With great effort he countered her move, bringing them nearly nose to nose.
    “Think you? We shall see, milady.”
    Simon cleared his throat.
    Roland snapped his attention back to where it belonged. God’s wounds, he’d been so engrossed in sparring with Eloise he’d

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