On the Rocks

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Book: Read On the Rocks for Free Online
Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy
    “It’s late. I’m going home.”
    “Do you like scary movies?” He turned on the TV.
    “Yeah. Definitely.”
    “There’s a Friday the Thirteenth marathon on, you up for it?”
    “Sure, maybe I’ll stay for a little while.” I took a seat next to him.
    He put an arm behind me on the couch. “Usually I’ve been dating a girl awhile before I let her borrow my clothes. I guess it’s okay that I made an exception with you since tonight wasn’t an actual date.”
    “Do you generally date girls long enough for that to happen?” I needed to know if my player radar was right.
    “I haven’t had a girlfriend, per se, in a while if that’s what you’re asking.”
    “Gotcha.” That’s all I needed to know. If a guy didn’t do girlfriends, I didn’t do him. I was not the hook up kind of girl.
    “Is there a particular guy whose clothes you borrow a lot?” He looked at me with that serious expression again.
    “Is that your way of asking if I have a boyfriend?”
    “Yes.” He didn’t break the eye contact.
    “Don’t you think that would have been important to ask before you decided to go swimming with me half naked?”
    Brody laughed from somewhere behind us. “That implies Macon would have thought something out in advance.”
    “But to answer your question, no I don’t have one. I haven’t had one in a while.”
    “Okay. Perfect. We can both be single together. Now that Maddy’s with your brother I’ve been in the market for a wing girl. I think I found mine.”
    My stomach sunk. Wing girl? He wanted me to be his wing girl? So much for him having interest in me. I forced a smile. “Sounds great.”
    “But before we worry about that, we need to find you a job. Oh, and I thought of a fantastic idea while you were getting changed.”
    “Did you?” Brody asked before I could respond.
    “Colin and Maddy want to move in together, right?” Macon sounded way too excited about the comment.
    “And you don’t want to stay at your brother’s house all summer.”
    “Not a chance.” I had no idea where the conversation was heading.
    “Why don’t you take Maddy’s room? She’s paid up through the end of June, so that should give you some time to get on your feet. Besides, I’m practically charging her nothing, and I’ll extend the same discount to you.”
    “What?” Brody and I asked in unison.
    My first reaction was hell no, but why? Live practically rent free right on the beach? Make my brother insanely happy because I’d be pushing things in the right direction with his girlfriend? Both of those things sounded awesome. The only problem was could I handle living with two guys, especially if one of them made me warm just by standing in the same room? I ignored the last thought. “Sure, as long as Brody and Maddy are okay with it.” I turned to look at Brody.
    “Oh, yeah. That’s totally fine.” Brody seemed genuine with his answer, but it was hard to tell.
    “I’m sure Maddy will be okay with it too.” Macon put his feet up on the ottoman in front of us. “Now how about that Freddy marathon?”

Chapter Six
    Brody held his tongue until Carly left around one a.m. Then he let me have it. The door had barely closed when he turned to me. “Do you think inviting Carly to live with us is the best idea?”
    “Yes, actually I do. Maddy wants to move out and Carly wants to move in. It works perfectly.”
    “But you don’t want to sleep with Maddy. You do want to sleep with Carly.”
    “Just because I want something doesn’t mean I’m going to do it. Carly and I are friends. It’s going to work out great.” I leaned back against the couch. Sure, I hadn’t really thought things out, but that’s just kind of how I did things.
    “Let me just get a preemptive ‘I told you so’ out of the way now.”
    “You really don’t think I can control myself?”
    Brody took a seat on the love seat. “You can control yourself, but you can’t control the awkwardness

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