Omensent: Rise of the Shadow Dragons

Read Omensent: Rise of the Shadow Dragons for Free Online

Book: Read Omensent: Rise of the Shadow Dragons for Free Online
Authors: Barry Gibbons
Tempest finally reappeared, dropping from the night sky on silent wings, and settling in the enormous courtyard of the castle. It was not an uncommon occurrence for the great scarlet dragon to visit Serpent's Keep, but her appearance still elicited a few screams from the people, and caused a bit of general panic.
    Damion came out from the castle with the others following closely. They had all been patiently awaiting for her return, eager to find out what she had discovered while she was gone.
    Veren trembled as he emerged into the courtyard, his hand on his sword's hilt. He stared up at the crimson dragon, his face twisted with anger and fear, but he made no move to attack as he followed the others towards the great serpent.
    The dark skinned man had only been there for a few days, when he boldly told Damion that the castle soldiers were a disgrace. From that day forward, he took command of the soldiers and quickly whipped them into shape. His experience in the Jaghern Army proved invaluable, and men who had grown lax in their grooming and manner of dress quickly moved to correct their mistakes. The castle guard was soon running more efficiently than ever, and Damion moved quickly to officially promote him to Captain of the Guard.
    Tempest gracefully settled herself onto the cobblestones and waited as they approached.
    Dar reached her before anyone, scampering up her leg and onto her broad shoulders, laughing with joy. He then shimmied up her long neck where he stopped to perch between her two large spiraling horns. "Hello, my great scaly friend!"
    Tempest chuckled as she reached up and plucked the red haired boy from the top of her head, then deposited him on the ground before her. "My oldest friend! It does my heart good to see you!"
    Damion and the others caught up to Dar and gathered around to hear what she had discovered.
    "Much has transpired since we we last spoke, Dragonkin." She rumbled gravely. " I have spoke with many of our brethren, and none have encountered a shadow dragon. But there are stories of a black serpent attacking isolated areas, though none have actually seen one first hand."
    " I have!" Veren declared, his voice angry. "I saw the black serpent with my own eyes as it was destroying my home and killing family!" He gazed up at Tempest unflinchingly. "And I will not rest until that beast is dead!"
    Tempest stared at the dark skinned man appraisingly for a moment before replying. "I believe what you say. If the shadow dragons have indeed returned to this world, they would take special precaution to keep their existence a secret from other dragons." She looked at him with sad eyes. "I grieve for your loss. The shadow dragons are dark, evil creatures with no respect for life. I hope you will accept my condolences on behalf of my brethren and myself."
    Veren 's eyes filled with tears, but he nodded his acceptance of her kind words.
    "If the shadow dragons have returned," She continued, looking at Damion with solemn eyes. "It will not be long before their infection spreads across the entire world!" Her face grew puzzled. "What I don't understand is how they returned! They swore an oath to Draco, the serpent god, that they would never return to this world!"
    Damion nodded. "We have been discussing this in your absence and it seems to us that their return coincides with my releasing your brethren from the gem."
    Tempest considered this carefully. "You may be on to something there. When you gave the command that allowed them to emerge from the gem, it must have also freed the shadow dragons from their oath to Draco!"
    Damion swore. "So I released them?" He looked around at his friends helplessly, then looked back up to Tempest. "If I'm the one who is responsible for their return, then I must be the one who puts a stop to their terror!"
    The scarlet serpent shook her head. "Nay, Dragonkin. Their fight is with us. It shall fall to my brethren and myself to face the dark brood. "
    Damion refused to hear that. "I

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