Of Breakable Things
against the image he’d tried so hard to maintain his whole life. He was a desperado of a boy who was acting like he needed a place to rest his reckless head, and he knew it.
    He hated to admit it, but he could get used to it.
    Alex’s arms hung stiff at her sides until Jonas finally let go.
    “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
    Bad joke , he thought to himself, cursing loudly in his head. None of this was funny. But Alex’s face broke into a smile, and they both began to laugh. And they kept on laughing until they were practically holding each other for support.
    It felt good.
    Alex composed herself. “And your brothers? Are they here too?”
    Annoyance tasted like a mouthful of salt. Jonas tried to keep it from showing on his face. Before he could answer, the door of the Brigitta building swung open. Ellington Reynes emerged, looking antsy.
    Oh, not this guy , Jonas thought with a roll of his eyes. Ellington was way too serious for his liking.
    “I’m so sorry, Alex,” Ellington said, nodding to acknowledge Jonas. He didn’t seem surprised at all to see Jonas standing there.
    Ellington had been the one to greet him at the gates of Eidolon, and he had access to various milestones in Jonas’s former life. How did Ellington interpret his odd history with Alex? Judging by the knowing look on his face, he’d seen enough. Damn it .
    “I’m afraid the Brigitta director is detained at the moment.”
    “That means you can’t get in the building,” Jonas informed Alex before turning to Ellington. “I’m willing to bet that Romey will be gone the rest of the day. She had to take care of my brother.”
    Ellington groaned. “Not again.”
    “No idea.”
    “Which brother?” Alex demanded, interrupting them.
    “Your favorite one.” Jonas tried to wipe the salty taste from his lips. He watched Ellington begin to bite his nails. “At least Chase didn’t get anywhere this time. He was caught pretty early.”
    “Any other newbury would have been expelled by now.”
    “Newbury?” Alex cut in.
    “Newly buried, like you.” Ellington paused, noticing the large slabs of granite scattered throughout the courtyard. He cringed at what was left of the bench. “Is this what I think it is?”
    “If you’re thinking that a bench the size of a standard midsized sedan came flying at Alex’s head, then yes,” Jonas replied.
    Ellington huffed. “They didn’t waste any time, did they? I take it you were forced to run for your life?”
    “Actually,” Jonas said, “she diverted it.”
    “She what?”
    “You heard me.”
    Ellington closed his eyes tightly, as if some secret was out of the bag. “She can’t just stay out here until Romey returns.”
    Jonas sensed the opportunity. “I’ll just take her with me. I’m heading to Lazuli Street now, and then we’ll be back for curfew.”
    Ellington looked wary. “That is probably the last thing she should be subjected to on her first day here. It will probably scare her a bit.”
    “Might as well rip off the Band-Aid.” He glanced at Alex, satisfied to see that she was stepping closer to him.
    “What’s Lazuli Street?”
    “If you come along, I’ll show you.”
    Ellington didn’t look convinced. “I’d feel better if I could join you.”
    A chaperone was the last thing Jonas wanted.
    “But I have a meeting in the city at the Dual Tower.”
    “You’ll probably find Romey there,” Jonas said eagerly. “I think that’s where they took Chase.”
    Alex opened her mouth, but Jonas held up a hand to shush her. “Cool it,” he warned. Alex crossed her arms in frustration, and the way she stuck out her lower lip was kind of adorable. He did his best to ignore it. “It’s a masque. She’ll be fine.”
    “That’s true. I’ll meet you back here before curfew, just in case,” Ellington said. “Alex, will you be okay?”
    “Don’t worry,” Jonas said. “She’s tougher than she looks.” He took Alex’s arm and she

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