Obsolete (Terran Times Second Wave Book 24)

Read Obsolete (Terran Times Second Wave Book 24) for Free Online

Book: Read Obsolete (Terran Times Second Wave Book 24) for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Space Opera, Erotic Romance
off. The rest of her was clean, and her muscles were moderately less sore. It was a result.
    She stepped onto the drying panel, and air surrounded her for an instant. Her legs were apart, her arms were out at right angles, and in seconds, she was completely dry from head to toe and everything in between.
    Naked, she left the room and entered the bedroom. On the floor, she saw her robe, and she quickly slipped it on. Olena wasn’t one for public nudity, even with a lover. There was a trust level that she needed, and it had not yet been met.
    He could have told her that sex was optional. She had simply interpreted her body’s demands as a request for sex. He must have guessed that she was unaware of what the requirement was.
    The food dispenser had a dizzying array of meals for all species in the vicinity. She chose a few that she knew were compatible and moved to get her caf.
    He came out, presumably as naked as the day he was born. He checked her selections and nodded.
    “Why didn’t you tell me sex wasn’t mandatory to put out the fire?”
    Brin blinked slowly. “Because I am a male, I am attracted to you and you were offering to couple with me. In no incarnation would I ever refuse that particular offer.”
    She sighed and collected the first few plates, carrying them to the table. “Explain how this works.”
    “Fair enough. The power I shared is the power of Lomit. It is one frequency, one energy signature; it is one part. My mind and body are unable to contain the entirety of it, so I sought a compatible female to share it with, both for my own preferences and with an eye on the future.
    “You will be drawn to contact with me, because the power wishes to remain intact. You need only get as much of you in contact with me as possible when the heat strikes. For me, I go cold. Lomit warned me that it would become increasingly uncomfortable the longer we were apart.”
    She glanced at him while they each took a platter to the table. “You feel it as well?”
    He quirked his lips. “I feel it was Lomit’s way to make sure that I was not alone. I would only wake for a compatible female.”
    “So, you are not fussy about your companion.” His lack of standards made her scowl as she settled on her chair.
    “I am very fussy about my companion. You are simply everything I could imagine needing or wanting.” He quirked his lips again. “The scavenger would never have found my pod otherwise. You are not the first compatible female to have entered this area of space, and yet, no one else ever discovered me. I remained hidden until my perfect consort arrived, and then, the pod glided out into the scavenger’s zone. You know the rest.”
    Olena felt waves of relief. She wasn’t just a random and convenient person. She was at least moderately special. She tucked into breakfast with a small smile playing around her lips. Some days, moderately special was all you needed to get through it.

Chapter Six
    No matter which way you looked at it, matter manipulation was weird. Brin was insisting on creating a travelling wardrobe for her, and it echoed his own skirt and boots, but a light top was thrown in for her.
    “Why this particular design?” She waited as he worked on crafting a breast band for her.
    He glanced up at her and smiled. “Nostalgia. It was the fashion in my home when I was growing up, and I learned to do everything in this particular garb. When I think about getting dressed, this is what I think of.”
    She turned slowly when he gestured for her to do so.
    “I have never seen any women of my kind wearing a band to hold their breasts in.”
    She crossed her arms and watched his gaze fixated on the aforementioned assets. “I am guessing that your women were not heavily endowed.”
    He shrugged innocently. “Being a good lad, I am sure I didn’t look, but now that you mention it, you may be right.”
    “Well, take a well-endowed Terran woman and have her working without some kind of support and

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