wants two fathers."
Burlim watched Velu hug Jalur's arm and barely saw the young girl behind the overwhelming thought-power she was exuding.
"Velu, I assume I'm one of the few you're allowing to feel your thoughts?"
"Yes, but we must go."
"I respect your mental accomplishments, Velu, but unless you can make the priests do what you will, we must take the necessary precautions and use circumspection."
Velu released her father's arm and stepped closer to Burlim: "Sir, for some reason, I have abilities that I'm able to control but not understand completely. We will do whatever you say."
"You are a remarkable one. It's a relief you're also able to be compliant. Follow me."
The journey to Erlan, the capital city of Suva, on the shore of the Sea of Renunciation, was more than hard in a physical sense. It was a challenge psychologically, too. Velu and her father had two companions familiar with the way but it was elusively circuitous—absolutely necessary because of Lord's Army Protectors who roamed the Disciples of Faith's territory all the way to the border with the Unholy Lands.
Velu was the emotional sustainer of the party, always able to give support when the journey became fatiguing or dicey with chance.
Their arrival in Erlan was without fanfare and Jalur and Velu marveled at the obvious self-respect and confidence shown by the inhabitants' manners and movements. They were quartered in a comfortable cottage to give them time to rest before their audience with the Disciples' leader, Xela.
The meeting occurred two days after their arrival, apparently due to Xela's absence from the city. Velu and Jalur were accompanied by their traveling companions and a Disciple's guide to the residence of Xela. It's austerity was surprising in the otherwise cultivated city. Xela herself was of moderate height but showed the signs of great physical prowess. She wore her hair as Velu did, unadorned and flowing free.
"Welcome, Velu. Welcome, Jalur. The rest of you may take advantage of the garden's luxuries while we converse."
The others left the room and Xela indicated a couch while she seated herself in a straight-backed chair near it.
"You've traveled far. From World to World and Land to Land and you bring a request that honestly stuns me. You wish to be reunited with your biological father, Velu?"
"I do, Xela."
"What do you have to say about this, Jalur, and are you only here to help your adopted child?"
"I am here primarily because the Corporation wanted me here but I did detest my life on Anga. Our presence on this planet may have cost me my wife's death. I don't know what I'll eventually do here but, for now, I am Velu's servant."
"Her servant... Velu, is this man your servant?"
Velu's laugh shattered the formality of the meeting.
"Jalur is the only father I know and he says he's my servant even though I have to constantly mother him."
Xela's sudden broad smile turned the meeting into a gathering.
"Velu, how old are you?"
"Fifteen years in Angan time, a bit younger here on Anla."
"You call our planet Anla, we call it Purum."
"What do you know of Rednaxela?"
"He's my biological father. He piloted ShipOne to this planet. He escaped with Akla to parts unknown."
"To the Unholy Lands."
"We thought so, since those who awaited his appearance are concentrated there."
Jalur said: "Do you know where he is?"
"I did know. He was here, with me. He was my husband."
Velu: "Was?"
"He arrived here from the Unholy Lands as Akla's representative. He said Akla had told him he would be wed to me though I didn't hear about that till after our wedding. He was also told that he should prepare me for your arrival, though not
George Simpson, Neal Burger