Not the Man She Thought

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Book: Read Not the Man She Thought for Free Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
Tags: Erótica, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, spanking
was stinging so much that she probably would have
agreed to anything Rade Karsten wanted if only he would stop spanking her.
    Then, just when she was sure she couldn’t take any more, he
finally did stop. Laken almost sighed with relief when Karsten stood her on her
feet. She would have run from the cargo hold right then, but he held onto her
arm, his gaze as hard as flint as he glowered down at her.
    “I don’t want to find you sneaking around my ship again,
especially the cargo hold,” he warned softly. “Or the next time, I’ll have your
panties down around your thighs and you’ll get the spanking on that cute,
little bare ass of yours.”
    Laken’s face flamed scarlet. She had no doubt that it was as
red as her bottom must be and the urge to run away from him was stronger than
ever. But Rade kept her standing there by the force of his stare, regardless of
the hand that was still lightly holding her arm.
    “Do I make myself clear, Ms. Andara?”
    Her stubborn pride wouldn’t let answer and she let silence
meet his words. As it lengthened, Laken realized Karsten wasn’t going to let
her go unless she had acknowledged him. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to
    “Yes,” she said between clenched teeth.
    He regarded her in silence and she wondered if he was
dissatisfied with her saucy answer. But to her relief, he finally released her.
Taking that to mean she could leave, Laken whirled around and ran from the
cargo hold. She wanted to maintain her dignity and walk away from him with her head
held high, but her wildly beating heart, not to mention her throbbing ass,
wouldn’t let her.
    Chapter Three
    Laken ran all the way back to her cabin. Her ass stung so
much she wondered if she would even be able to sit down. Damn that bastard. Where
did he get off thinking he had the right to spank her whenever he felt like it?
    Going over to the sink, she lifted her skirt and half turned
so she could see her derriere in the mirror. Her bottom was red and her green
eyes went a little wide when she realized she could actually see the outline of
handprints on her creamy skin. She stood there, staring at them as if
transfixed. Abruptly, a vivid image of being draped over Karsten’s knee came to
mind unbidden and she blushed hotly.
    Swearing under her breath, Laken turned away from the mirror
and went back into the bedroom. God, how she couldn’t wait to get off this
ship. She didn’t know how far it was to Marlon Prime, but she hoped it wasn’t
more than a few days. Whatever it was, it couldn’t go fast enough for her. The
sooner she got away from, Rade Karsten, the better.
    * * * * *
    Laken was still in bed the next morning when she felt the
ship set down on land. Her brow furrowed. She hadn’t realized they’d be getting
to Marlon Prime so soon. Apparently, it was a lot closer to Tellune than it
looked. Not that she was complaining. Swinging her legs out of bed, she slipped
her feet into her shoes, then grabbed her purse and hurried out of the cabin.
    While part of her wanted to stop by Karsten’s ready-room so
she could tell him exactly what she thought of him and his ship, the other part
wanted to slip off the ship without running into him again. As she stepped out
onto the walkway above the cargo hold, she groaned when she saw Karsten
standing by the railing with the first officer. Damn. So much for leaving
without him seeing her.
    “Hey, we missed you at breakfast.”
    At the sound of Dev’s voice, Laken turned to see the other
woman coming toward her. “I...uh..slept late.”
    Actually, she hadn’t slept late at all. She just purposely
hadn’t gone down to the mess because she knew the crew would be there. Besides
not wanting to face Karsten after the spanking he had given her, she hadn’t
been too eager to have breakfast with them after the scene he’d made the night before
at dinner.
    Laken turned back to the railing, watching as the crew

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