again, checked his level of consciousness roughly every hour, and done his assessments religiously. Nice to know he still had it. Those nurses who thought doctors couldn’t wipe their own asses could pucker up and kiss his. Evan could wait and see how things progressed before arranging for the specialist.
“ Dr. Harrison?”
Pausing in his examination of Jamie’s split lip, he raised his brows. “Evan. You can call me Evan. If you like.” He dabbed some of the antibiotic lube on the chapped lips. Better.
“ Evan. I think…” Jamie closed his blackened eyes and took a deep breath. “I think I gotta pee.”
“ Ah.” Evan sympathized. All things considered, he wouldn’t want to piss either, were he in Jamie’s place. “Can I make a suggestion?”
The kid turned his face away. “Your suggestions suck.”
“ But you feel better now, don’t you?”
“ No,” he groaned with feeling.
Obviously, Jamie had never been hospitalized before. Sweet how he still thought he could retain some modesty. Even after I’ve had my finger up his ass. “I could catheterize you. Then you wouldn’t even have to get up. And nothing would hurt that way.” The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. While he didn’t have access to a lab, he could still visually check Jamie’s urine for traces of blood. A catheter was a much better idea than trying to urinate into a bottle while your penis stung the whole time.
“ You mean—”
“ Yes.”
“ No. That’s so gross. No fucking way.”
After Evan grabbed a sterile package from his supply and showed him, they discussed it like rational adults. Well, Evan did. Jamie chose to be belligerent. When he couldn’t get out of bed on his own, which was the condition Evan laid out as the determining factor, Jamie had no choice but to agree. Reluctantly agree—and bitterly. Not wanting to provoke Jamie’s wrath any further, he seemed to have a bit of a temper, Evan kept his victory smile to himself.
“ Thanks for teaching me all those new swear words. I feel all caught up on the proper usage of modern slang now.”
“ Fuck you,” he bitched. “And how come you have all this stuff stashed here anyway?”
Because I’m a kinky bastard, kid. “I have the drugs on hand for my migraines. Most of the other stuff is just from my first aid kit. But my kit’s a bit more advanced than the usual kind, because I really am a doctor.”
Jamie rolled his head back over and eyed him suspiciously, or Evan assumed suspiciously, judging by what showed beneath the swelling. “Who keeps a catheter in their first aid kit? That ain’t normal.”
“ Um, well…” Evan contemplated telling the truth. Why shouldn’t he be honest? Wasn’t like it was something to be ashamed of. “I keep the catheter supplies around just for fun.”
“ Fun? ” Jamie asked, incredulous.
“ Yeah,” Evan replied, smirking. “My last boyfriend liked me to play doctor with him.”
Closing his eyes, Jamie shook his head slowly, little more than a cautious roll across the pillow. “Forget I asked. I don’t wanna hear about any kinky homo perversions.”
The swelling made inserting the catheter a bit more of a challenge. Stupid nurses probably knew a trick or two for this situation, not that he could ask them. Or would even if he could. After puzzling over it, he figured it out himself. Jamie never noticed the minor delay. He was simply too embarrassed to care and busy squirming from his full bladder.
Happily, there was no sign of blood present in the collected urine, much to Evan’s relief.
The rest of the day passed much the same, frequent checks followed by frequent bitching, interrupted only by the pathetically late arrival of the police, who took pictures, a statement, and left without bothering with the usual lies and promises. They’d open their file, put the pictures in it, talk to Laurie and Louis, do a cursory investigation and then stick the file on a shelf somewhere. It
Christina Mulligan, David G. Post, Patrick Ruffini , Reihan Salam, Tom W. Bell, Eli Dourado, Timothy B. Lee