Noble Intentions: Season Four
you got an address, or did you meet at a restaurant or library or something?"
    "Why not?"
    "Never occurred to me to set up a meeting in the library. Kids, I guess. We met in his condo." Jack found the address and read it to Brandon. "See what you
    can find."
    "Hold on just a moment, my good sir."
    While Brandon searched a myriad of databases, Jack considered who else might have been involved with providing the guy he met with his contact information.
    There were plenty of people he'd worked with over the years. Few knew his whereabouts at the moment.
    "This guy say that was his place?"
    "It was inferred."
    "He lied."
    "Some guy in South Carolina owns that unit, man. Rents it out through some kind of stay-at-my-place-for-the-night website. People who don't like hotels can
    rent someone else's apartment for a day or two, or even longer, I guess. That place is booked for a solid six months."
    "So this was either the guy from South Carolina, or someone who rented the room. You're saying that it's booked solid, and probably has been up 'til now.
    In which case, they would have had to have known they were coming for some time. Impossible, given my status over the past six months." He paused to
    consider the possibilities. "Can you send me the owner's details? I might have to follow up with him to find out who he rented to."
    "Sure can. I'll even do a search to see if the name flags in any databases." Brandon tapped on his keyboard. "He's got a service record, but according to
    this, he's been out for a long ass time."
    Jack gave Brandon an email address to send the information. Like a call to his phone number, the email routed through multiple addresses and servers before
    reaching the final destination. After they ended the call, he pulled up the message and read the contents. The condo belonged to a John C. Merrick. Little
    River, South Carolina. No address. No phone number. Maybe Brandon was still working on that part.
    He consulted a map and determined that Little River was about ten miles north of Myrtle Beach, located on the North Carolina border. Worst case, he could
    fly into Charleston, get a car, and be in town in forty-five minutes. From there, a little investigation would turn up the man's address.
    He tried the contact number he'd been given when the original meeting between him and who he thought was a millionaire had been arranged. The line rang
    once, then disconnected to dead air. Second attempt yielded the same results.
    Someone was already covering tracks.
    A trip to South Carolina would be in order. He decided to get through Friday first, then fly out Saturday morning.

Chapter 6
    Upstate New York.

    THE LAST TRACES of sunlight passed through pinpricks between the multitudes of leaves, providing little light by the time they reached the BMW. The bag
    on Paolo's head prevented him from seeing the sunset. But he knew it was there. He'd counted the seconds since they laid him down in the backseat with the
    threat of "sit up and we'll shoot you in the car and leave you in a ditch."
    Perhaps the other two captains, Endrizzi and Milano, had plans to let him go. Why else keep him alive so long? Their soft chatter filtered from the front
    seat. They said nothing important since leaving Charles's office eight hours ago. They hadn't been driving the entire time. First, the men took him to
    Milano's house. They tied Paolo up with cord and duct tape and left him in the sweltering garage. Temperatures that had to reach the mid one-twenties left
    him drenched in sweat. The pain from his broken nose and split forehead had caused him to black out and lose track of time. He'd only managed to catch a
    glimpse at Endrizzi's Omega moments before they placed the hood over his head, then brought him inside the house. The air conditioning coated his soaked
    body. But it didn't last long. A minute later, one of them dragged him back into the garage. Only this time, he walked through a thick cloud of

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