
Read Noah for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Noah for Free Online
Authors: Susan Korman
    “Yes, he did. And you are now as his own daughter. Myown great-granddaughter. Ten years you have lived in the shadow of my home. And yet, I have never given you my blessing. May I?”
    “Yes…” Ila nodded dutifully, but she was still baffled. Why was Grandfather acting so oddly?
    He stepped closer, extending his fingers. His ancient fingertips hovered quietly over her belly.
    All at once Ila felt something odd within—a sharp, quick sensation that seemed to pierce her belly.
    Then, as quickly as it had come, the feeling passed. Ila blinked and looked at Methuselah. His eyes suddenly seemed bright and vivid, and around her, the forest seemed lit up too, thrumming with life. What’s happening? she wondered. Somehow she did not feel frightened. Instead she felt calm, at peace.
    “Ham? Ila?”
    A familiar voice was calling her. “Ila?”
    “You can go now,” said Methuselah. “Go to him,” he urged.
    It was Shem. He called her again.
    Excited to see him, she ran to him and charged into his arms.
    “Ila!” he said, laughing. “I’m happy to see you too. But we have to find Ham and get back to the—”
    “Shem…” She cut him off with her kisses. He tried to grab her arm and make her stop, but she held him so tightly, he couldn’t get away. She kissed him deeply on the lips and thenreached for his shirt and pulled it off.
    “Ila…” He groaned. “We have to…” Soon, helpless to stop her, he gave in. Hungrily, he began caressing her face and her throat, and then the scarred skin along her belly.
    They dropped to the forest floor, and Ila quickly shed her clothing. He kissed her again, and then moving gently, they joined together as one.
    “Oh…” Ila tightened her arms around him. He felt so warm and familiar, yet… something suddenly felt new and different between them. She closed her eyes, leaning into him.
    When she opened her eyes, she saw Shem watching her closely. “Is it… am I hurting you?”
    “No,” she whispered with a smile. “It’s fine, Shem. You’re not hurting me at all…”

    Ila sat up, dressing quickly. Overhead there was no more blue. The clouds, which had been white and wispy earlier in the day, had turned dark and thick. She watched as they churned ominously, forming into a thick dark blanket overhead.
A tiny raindrop hit Ila’s face.
    She looked at Shem. “It’s coming,” she murmured nervously. More raindrops quickly fell, splattering them.
    Shem leaped to his feet and grabbed her hand. “Come on!” Together, they raced through the woods back to the Ark.
    In the clearing Ila saw that the Watchers had spread out to make a wide circle around the Ark. The chains she’d seen earlier lay at their feet; they also had weapons now.
    Naameh waved at them through the thick sheets of rain. As they drew closer, Ila could see that Noah looked worried.
    “Where’s Ham?” he demanded.
    “We couldn’t find him,” Ila blurted out. “We looked in the forest, but—”
    “Board the Ark now!” Noah cut her off. He started for the woods. “I’ll find him myself!”
    Ila and Shem nodded, racing up the ramp.
    “Daughter?” Naameh suddenly stopped Ila and looked at her closely. “Are you alright?” she asked.
    “I’m fine,” Ila replied, confused. “Why do you ask?”
    “You were gone for a long time,” Naameh said quickly. “I was growing worried.”
    Ila quickly changed into dry clothing and tried to comfort Japheth for a while. The younger boy seemed nervous about the rain and everything that was happening.
    Then, worried about Noah and Ham, she went back to the ramp to see what was happening outside.
    “Now they are coming!” Naameh said in relief.
    Ila saw the father and son rushing toward them in the rain. But Ham seemed to be fighting Noah as Noah yanked him toward the Ark.
    “No!” Ham shouted, struggling to get free from his father’s grip. “Let me go, Father!”
    Ila’s heart

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