No Regrets

Read No Regrets for Free Online

Book: Read No Regrets for Free Online
Authors: Michèle Ann Young
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical, Regency
       The servant shook his head. "His lordship's orders, my lady. We were to stop at the next inn."
       Unwilling to argue with a footman, Caro allowed him to help her down. A gust of wind swept across the field, driving icy rain into her face. She shivered.
       Lucas had elected to follow on Maestro, rather than join Caro and Lizzie in the coach, citing his need for fresh air. He must be soaked to the skin by now.
       She gazed at the empty road behind them. "Where is Lord Foxhaven?"
       "The Guv'ner stopped to blab with a squarerigged cove on the toper," Tigs said, on tiptoes at the bridles.
       Caro frowned. "A cove?"
       "A regular chaw bacon," Tigs said.
       Jumping down from the step, Lizzie fixed Tigs with a baleful stare. "Enough of your cant, you worthless lump o' lard."
       Over the past two days, Caro had learned there was no respect between these two. She stifled her exasperation. "Will one of you please explain?"
       "His lordship stopped to speak to a country gentleman. There's a mill he wants to see," the footman offered.
       Lucas had never expressed any interest in farming. "Why would he want to see a mill?"
       "'Tweren't a mill," Tigs muttered. "'Twere a setting-to. Cocks."
       "Cockfighting, my lady," Lizzie whispered in Caro's damp ear.
       Her heart sank. How like Lucas to go off when something more interesting presented itself. She retrieved her spectacles from her reticule and put them on. The full impact of the shabby hostelry struck her like the sting of the rain on her face.
       "The Bell and Cat?" Scorn dripped from Lizzie's tongue. "We can't stay here."
       "His lordship's orders," the footman said, shutting the carriage door. "He said he would meet us at the next inn. This is it."
       They certainly couldn't stand outside waiting for Lucas. With anger stiffening her spine, Caro lifted her sodden skirts clear of the puddles and horse manure dotting the courtyard and marched through the front door into a dingy, low-ceilinged room. The smell of stale ale and smoke stopped her short. A taproom. This inn didn't even boast a parlor.
       The innkeeper's jaw dropped open in his graywhiskered face as he looked up from behind the bar. "'Ere, who are you?"
       If that was his usual greeting to his customers, it was no wonder the place was deserted. On the other hand, farm laborers would be unlikely to be idling the afternoon away even in such a downpour.
       Caro forced a smile, despite her desire to strangle Lucas right at that moment. "I am Lady Foxhaven, and I need two rooms for the night and accommodation for my servants. And a pot of tea."
       Brushing past trestle tables scattered around the room, she made her way to the hearth. She drew off her gloves and held her numb fingers to the meager warmth of the fire.
       "I don't cater to overnight guests, and if I had rooms, I wouldn't let them to the likes of you," the landlord pronounced.
       Speechless at his rudeness, Caro swung around to face him.
       "How dare you speak to her ladyship like that," Lizzie said from the doorway. As terrifying as a full-rigged warship, she sailed toward him. "His lordship'll have your hide, he will, when he arrives."
       Leaning back to avoid Lizzie's wagging finger, the landlord shook his head. "You ain't quality. Not stopping here, you ain't. And I don't got no rooms. Travelers sleep in the commons. Always has." He gestured to the room around him.
       Sleep in here? Bubbles of anger simmered in Caro's blood. If she could get her hands on Lucas right now . . . She took a deep breath, willing herself to remain calm. "Do you have any private rooms?"
       The landlord stared at her with weighing eyes.
       "I'll pay you well," she said, knowing full well that if Lucas didn't arrive, she would be in dire straits.
       "Aye," the landlord mumbled. "There's a room in the attic ye can have. It's small. I can take a cot up for your wench,

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