Doc," he said. "Aren't they pretty? Look how they glitter. They're like stars against a black sky."
"They're worth a fortune," Doc said, staring at the necklace.
Slim's eyes went to the upstairs bedroom door.
"Bring her down here, Eddie," he said. "I want to talk to her."
Eddie looked at Doc who shook his head.
"How's about these punks, Slim?" Eddie said. "We've got to get back to Ma. She's waiting."
Slim was staring at the necklace.
"Get her, Eddie," he said.
Eddie shrugged. He went up the stairs. Johnny didn't meet his eyes as he went past him into the bedroom. Miss Blandish was leaning against the wall. She was trembling violently. When Eddie came into the room, her hand flew to her mouth and she looked around wildly for a way of escape.
Eddie felt sorry for her. He thought, even scared, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
"You don't have to be frightened of me," he said. "Slim wants you. Now listen, kid, Slim's not only mean, but he's not right in his head. If you do exactly what he tells you, he won't hurt you. Don't get him sore. He's as dangerous as a snake, so watch it. Come on: he's waiting."
Miss Blandish crouched back. Her eyes were dark with terror.
"Don't make me go down there," she said unsteadily. "I can't bear any more. Please let me stay up here."
Eddie took hold of her arm gently.
"I'll be with you," he said. "You've got to come. You'll be okay. If he starts anything, I'll fix him. Come on now, kid."
He brought her down the stairs.
Slim watched her as she came.
"She looks like she's come out of a picture book, doesn't she?" he mumbled to Doc. "Look at her pretty hair."
Doc was worried. He had never seen Slim in this mood before. Usually he hated women.
Eddie stood Miss Blandish in front of Slim. He stepped back, watching. Everyone watched.
Miss Blandish stared in horror at Slim who smiled at her, putting his head on one side, his yellow eyes glittering.
"I'm Grisson," he said. "You can call me Slim." He rubbed the side of his nose with his thumb. "These belong to you, don't they?" He held up the necklace.
Miss Blandish nodded. There was something so repulsive and terrifying about this creature that she had a mad urge to scream and keep on screaming.
Slim fingered the stones.
"They're pretty, like you."
He held them out. At the movement, Miss Blandish started back, shuddering.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Slim said, shaking his head. "I like you. Here, you take them. They belong to you. Put them on. I want to see what you look like with them on."
Eddie said, "Look, cut it out, Slim. That necklace belongs to all of us."
Slim giggled. He winked at Miss Blandish.
"Hear him talk? He wouldn't have the nerve to take them from me. He's scared of me--they're all scared of me." He held out the necklace. "Here, put it on. Let me see it on you."
Slowly, as if hypnotized, she took the necklace from him. The touch of the diamonds seemed to jolt her. With a gasping scream, she dropped the necklace and ran blindly up the stairs to where Johnny stood.
"Get me out of here!" she screamed frantically. "I can't bear any more! Don't let him come near me!"
She startled Slim. He stiffened and his knife jumped into his hand. From a weak-looking idiot he suddenly changed into a vicious killer. Half crouching, he faced the others.
"What the hell are you waiting for?" he screamed. "Take them out of here! Hurry! Get them out--get them out!"
Woppy and Flynn closed in on Riley and Bailey. They shoved them out of the shack and into the open.
Slim turned to Doc.
"Rope them to a tree!"
His face pale, Doc picked up some lengths of rope lying amongst a pile of rubbish in a corner. He followed Woppy and Flynn.
Slim looked at Eddie. His yellow eyes seemed on fire.
"Watch her. Don't let her get away."
He snatched up the necklace, dropped it into his pocket and went out into the hot sunshine. He was shaking with excitement. The urge to kill had taken possession of him.
He could hear Riley
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount