Niccolo (Blood Brothers)

Read Niccolo (Blood Brothers) for Free Online

Book: Read Niccolo (Blood Brothers) for Free Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
her arms laden with packages.
    Marco’s face lit up like a child’s on Christmas Day. Dante could feel the intensity of his brother’s feelings flowing from him.
    “ Ciccina , let me get those packages for you. Had I known you would be out this long, I would have gone with you.” Marco took the boxes and bags from Maggie’s arms.
    “I was only gone for a couple of hours. Her smile was radiant giving her already pretty face an ethereal glow. Dante waited in tense anticipation for her to acknowledge his presence but she only had eyes for Marco.
    “For such a short period, it seems you’ve managed to buy out the entire department store. I hope you had some help getting all this stuff to the car.”
    “I don’t need any help. I’m stronger than ever, remember?”
    “You may be a new vampire but it doesn’t mean you can’t tire yourself out. Besides, you should be resting. Next time you’d like to go out, I insist on going with you.” Marco leaned his forehead against his wife’s.
    She touched Marco’s face. “You worry too much.”
    “I would die if anything were to happen to you,” Marco threw her packages to the floor and pulled Maggie into his arms, his mouth descending on hers before she could protest.
    Dante felt like an intruder spying on their intimacy. Though he tried to suppress it, the twinge of envy squeezed his heart at seeing them carry on as if he weren’t in the room. From the moment Maggie walked into the house, his entire body tingled with awareness. And he hated that he couldn’t shake these feelings for her. She belonged to Marco, a thing he’d never dare challenge, but it was frustrating nonetheless to wants another vampire’s bloodmate. It wasn’t supposed to be possible.
    Dante had thought long and hard about his emotions, and the only explanation he could come up with was that Maggie had been the first woman he’d shared a deep connection with in a long time. Maggie wasn’t just a convenient woman to fuck and forget—she was special. But she was his brother’s wife.
    Hi mouth watered as he watched Marco caress Maggie’s smooth brown skin. Dante remember how soft she’d been beneath his touch, and how her eyes had glazed with passion when he’d once had her in his arms. He couldn’t forget how her lush frame had pressed lovingly against him. Dante’s cock stirred as he relived that moment in his mind.
    The two lovers kissed each other as though they had been apart for a couple of years rather than a couple of hours. Dante cleared his throat loud enough to remind them of his presence. GianMarco took his time pulling away from her. He offered his brother a sheepish grin. Maggie looked at him for the first time since her arrival and smiled warmly. “Dante!”
    He opened his arms to receive her as she rushed across the room to greet him with her customary hug.
    “Dante! I didn’t recognize the vehicle outside. When did you get here?” She locked her arms around his neck.
    Dante squeezed her tight against him for a moment, then he bent down and lightly brushed her soft lips with his. “It’s new. I arrived not too long after you went on your shopping excursion. You’re looking well, piccola .” He brushed her knuckles against his cheek.
    “Thank you, you look pretty good yourself.” She placed her hands against his chest and gave me a slight shove to break his hold on her. “Excuse me.” She rushed out the room without further explanation.
    Dante shot Marco a look of alarm.
    Marco chuckled. “Don’t worry. She’s still in her morning sickness phase.”
    “But it’s well past morning.”
    “Yes. Unfortunately for Maggie it’s more like morning, afternoon, and evening sickness. My poor ciccina . The bambino is giving his mama a hard time already.” Marco grinned from ear to ear. The pride was evident in his voice and it cut Dante; he despised himself for being so jealous.
    Marco’s smile fell as though he sensed the turmoil within his brother.

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