Neptune's Massif
Alan. Elias granted us a housing exception since they will be assisting us and it's only for a short time," Andreya said.
    "Great! Let's go!" Alan said and began leading his guests away.
    "Commander Carlson, would it be permitted for me to learn more about the ships and how this bay works? How we can even breathe here, when I can clearly see that the landing bay doors are still open is fascinating. Obviously, there is a shield of some kind, but I would like to know more about it," Mulan asked.
    "Please call me Alan, Mulan. You are free to pursue any education you wish. There is no charge for it, and the only restrictions are course prerequisites and security issues. The shield covering the bay doors is called an ‘airskin’ because, like our skin retains moisture within our bodies, it retains the air and pressure within the bay. One of the main tenets of this society is the respect for the individual and their rights. No one will ever tell you where or how to live, who to love, or what religion to follow. I'll let the teaching system fill you in, but it's pretty neat."
    "You mentioned a physical examination as well," Michi said. "When will we go through that?"
    "The physical exams will be shortly after we show you to your quarters, Master. However, it can be delayed for a day or two if you wish?" Andreya asked.
    "No, I was only wondering that it would be easy for a contagious disease to infiltrate this facility. It would seem to me that visitors should be taken to the medical area immediately," Michi said.
    Andreya smiled. "Not true, Master. This hallway we are in is a biological scanner among other things. Everyone entering or leaving the bay must pass through either this device, or a similar one. If there was a biological hazard detected, the doors at each end of the hall would close until medical personal could be summoned and the pathogen neutralized."
    "Ah, it seems I am a victim of television. I expected a bright light bar and a mysterious mist being sprayed all over us." Michi replied.
    "You'll still get the bright light bar in medical, but no mists that I know of," Alan grinned.
    "You said 'among other things' Andreya. May I ask what other things this hall is?" Mulan asked.
    This hallway is the main entrance and exit for the civilian travel lounge here at the base. As such, it also scans for other hazards such as weapons and explosives. It can also function as an airlock in the case the airskin fails in the bay. Another purpose is to isolate the bay from the lounge area in the event of a military emergency such as an attack by a hostile force," Andreya explained.
    "Such a facility installed at Earth airports would certainly ease a lot of the inconveniences of current travel, Michi commented.
    "Yes it would, but it would also displace a lot of hard working people that depend on that job to live," Alan agreed. "Advances in technology are only good if thought and care are given to their use."
    Michi looked at him proudly. "It is good to know that you paid attention to more than my actions, Alan-san. I am proud of you."
    P hoenix Base
    Selene, Earth's Moon
    Sol System
    Sol Sector
    W hile Alan and Andreya helped Michi and Mulan through the transition, other things were happening in the universe. The battle of Beta Hydri was short and went very well for Alliance forces. Mostly due to the efforts of the Terran Defense Forces and the listening posts they installed.
    Alliance forces lost four destroyers and two cruisers to Imperial forces. Before making a successful escape, Imperial forces lost eight destroyers, four light cruisers, two heavy cruisers and another battleship. The destruction of the battleship was credited to the Terran Raptor teams alone. The mining facility was captured along with the beginnings of the new shipyard that they had begun to build. Since neither facility could fight back, nor did they have the time to escape, they were left for the Alliance to

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