ungrateful lately, Ellen. It’s a good thing I worship a forgiving God. I haven’t liked myself these past months. Being home all the time has brought me face to face with Randolph’s stubborn desire to stay single. He’s underfoot on his days off. He should have a family to take care of and spend time with. I see hope for him now. I’ve got you to help me. One way or the other, Randolph’s going to find a wife.”
Ellen scooted her chair closer to Dolly and wrapped an arm around the older woman’s sagging shoulders. They felt bony under the soft jacket. Dolly leaned her head on Ellen’s shoulder.
“I’m glad you understand, Ellen, and don’t mind consoling a weepy old woman.”
“A very wise lady told me recently that crying is healing,” Ellen said, giving Dolly a squeeze. If she couldn’t be with her own grandmother, this was the next best thing.
Dolly sniffled. “Sounds familiar.”
They stayed that way until the door opened behind them, and Rand stepped out, gaping.
“I can’t believe it!” He looked at Ellen. “You haven’t been here a full day and you’ve managed this!”
“I didn’t do anything,” Ellen said, shrugging. “It was Dolly’s idea.”
Celeste came out, pushing a loaded cart. “I don’t care whose idea it was, I’m just tickled pink to see you outside, enjoying this nice weather, Mrs. Powers.”
“Don’t make such a fuss over it, Celeste! I have been outside the past few months.”
“And you screamed and hollered the whole time until someone took you back inside!” Celeste set placemats on the table.
“Can I help you, Celeste?” Ellen needed something to do to hide the sudden case of nerves she got when Rand appeared.
All three looked at Ellen with bewilderment.
“If you’d like, Miss Todd,” Celeste answered, graciously.
After Celeste left, Rand said a blessing and they ate. Ellen felt awkward in such a grand setting, but Rand and Dolly went out of their way to put her at ease.
“Ellen’s going for a makeover tomorrow.” Dolly announced in the middle of the meal.
“I—am?” Ellen choked down a bite of strawberry. Her face blushed with embarrassment when she saw Rand raise an eyebrow at the news.
“I’ll make all the arrangements when we get back inside,” Dolly added. “A new job, a new place to live calls for a whole new look, don’t you think Rand?”
Rand couldn’t see anything that needed changing in Ellen’s pretty looks, but he agreed wholeheartedly with his aunt anyway. “I certainly do. I’ll take care of the expenses.”
“No, dear, this is my treat.” Dolly gave Ellen a cheerful smile. “It’s my gift to you, Ellen.”
Tears sprinkled Ellen’s eyes. It was almost like she had become part of the family, not just part of the staff.
Chapter 4
Ellen returned from the salon the next afternoon at the same time her things arrived from her apartment.
“Mrs. Powers is about to have a cow, Miss Todd.” Celeste met her in the entrance hall. “She’s dying to see your new look.”
Ellen fluffed her short locks. “What do you think, Celeste?”
“It’s very flattering.” The housekeeper smiled.
“You’re not paid to be complimentary all the time, are you?” Ellen chuckled.
Celeste shook her head. “Absolutely not! You’ll soon find out, we all speak our minds here. The Powers are sticklers for the truth.”
Ellen worried over Celeste’s words as she flew up the stairs. The truth was still buried deep inside her. If Dolly and Rand knew what she had done to Paul, she’d be out in no time. One day she’d have to admit she caused Paul’s horrendous accident. The media wasn’t letting up. She was still a global sensation. Ida had called her earlier in a tizzy.
“That Hollywood producer just called again about the documentary.” Ida was fit to be tied. “I’m losing my patience, Ellen. She tried