Nano Contestant - Episode 1: Whatever It Takes

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Book: Read Nano Contestant - Episode 1: Whatever It Takes for Free Online
Authors: Leif Sterling
Tags: thriller, Science-Fiction, Sci-Fi, serial
Skylar as she coached him along.
    “You’re doing good, Roland. Nice, deep breaths.”
    But the more of the agent that was delivered, the worse it began to feel. Roland’s nerves were already ragged from the needle being inserted. He could hear the machine making tiny pumping noises every second or two. It seemed that a swarm of bees had been released inside his head. With each pumping noise, it seemed that a few more bees were stinging his optic nerve. Each one leaving its harpoon behind to fester and intensify the pain of the next one. Roland held out one finger.
    Ivan slowly rolled the green ball forward. “We have reached one minute mark. You only have three minutes left!”
    Skylar watched Roland’s face. His eye was not focusing on her. He seemed less responsive. “He’s back at pain level one, Ivan.”
    “You must keep talking to him. Do not let him pass out!”
    Skylar moved her face right in front of Roland’s. She talked louder to him, hoping to drown out the machine noises and the pain he was in.  
    Roland pulled in a deep breath of air. It even hurt to breathe now. He fought off the blackness that began to set in around the edges of his vision again. He stared back at Skylar. Had she moved closer? he thought. He knew he must stay ahead of the pain; he must not lose control. Roland focused on Skylar’s face. She was smiling, but she looked worried.
    Ivan pressed a section on the inside of the holographic ball and barked out some Russian commands to his system. “I have engaged autopilot for rest of delivery.” He pulled his hands out of the ball and raised his helmet. The ball continued to move forward on its own and the arm kept pumping away. Ivan walked over to Roland. “You are halfway done!”
    Roland managed a grunt in response.
    “Keep breathing slow and deep. You listen to Pretty Girl here.”
    The pain in Roland’s head began to feel different. The bees and their stingers were still present, but he also began to feel pressure building up inside his head. Each pump no longer brought more bees, but instead felt as though his head was completely full and more of the delivery agent was being forced in. The pressure made his head feel like it was going to explode. The pain shot up exponentially. Roland held out three fingers.
    “Ivan, he’s at pain level three! How much longer?”
    Ivan looked over at the big wall screen. “Forty-five more seconds!”
    Skylar put the oxygen mask over Roland’s nose again. “Deep breath, Roland. You are almost there! Stay with me.”
    Roland was fighting the blackness that now covered more than half of his vision. The oxygen helped a little. He was able to get a clear view for at least a breath or two and then the blackness returned with a vengeance. Roland’s eye was open, but he couldn’t see anything. The pain clouded over everything. He listened to the voices.
    Ivan’s deep gravelly voice was counting down. “Ten, nine, eight…”
    It was Skylar’s voice, though, that pulled him through. He could hear her pleading tone as she coached him through another breath. “Last breath in…”
    Roland began to exhale as Ivan finished the countdown. Three, two, one! I made it! Roland thought as he heard the pumping noises stop.
    Ivan had pushed his helmet up. “Roland, you done now! I give you rest and then we pull the needle out, da?”
    Roland grunted and breathed heavily through his nose.
    Skylar looked at Roland and let out a sigh.
    Roland’s vision cleared. The pressure in his head began to ease once the pumping stopped.  
    Ivan pulled his helmet back down. “Now for last part. This not be so bad. Only take about thirty seconds to retract needle, da? Hurt maybe level one, but that easy for you now.”
    Skylar glanced at Ivan and then turned back to Roland. “You got this, Roland. Think about your dad. You just have a little bit more to go.”
    Roland thought about his dad. He had to get him out, and this process was going to get him there. He steeled

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