NAAN (The Rabanians Book 1)
and Dug. A few seconds later they both flew towards me and hovered in front of my face. I trembled with fear. They both had a small lump at their bottom. I knew they carried a deadly gas that would kill us all in seconds.
    A man walked into the cell and ordered them to leave. They awoke, lifted above me, and rushed towards the door.
    “My name is Anigram, I am the chief of this detaining facility,” he said and gazed at each of us. “I assume you know why you are here?” 
    He walked and stood in front of me.
    “You are Sosi,” he said and nodded. “Eighteen years old.”
    “He is seventeen years old,” said Daio immediately and rose from the bed.
    Anigram gazed at him with full contempt. “A bit too late to worry about your little brother, don't you think?” He looked back at me. “Usually at such an age the system tries to find you an appropriate vocation and maybe pull away the evil within you, but under the circumstances I doubt that it is possible.”
    “What circumstances?” asked Dug.
    “We'll move you from here in few days. You'll receive a closed trial. I assume you know why. You will have a lawyer but this is only a formality.”
    “Closed trial?” called Daio. “We are box traders! You cannot hold us accountable if other people broke the law by using them.”
    Anigram walked towards him. “These boxes have only one purpose and it is forbidden.” He examined Daio's face. “You know, the difference between real and fake innocence is in controlling your facial expression, and as a professional information scrambler you should work on yours."
    “I am not faking anything,” said Daio, “and I would like to know what we are being charged with.”
    “The damage you caused goes beyond any use of regular or accelerated box. You caused an unimaginable damage to the future of Seragon.”
    “We?” said Dug, his voice squeaked.
    “What the hell are you talking about?” asked Daio.
    Anigram gave him a blank look. He didn't really know what it was all about. The arrest report had contained only one line: "Arrested due to potential future damage to Seragon."
    He’d seen countless arrest reports. They always had at least one paragraph explaining the crime, never just one line. Either someone high in the government was eager to put his hands on them for no reason, or the felony was so big they didn't want to detail it. Either way Anigram wanted to know who they really were.
    He looked at us for few more seconds and shook his head in disappointment. “Food will be brought in through the slot in the door,” he said and pointed. He then walked out of the cell and the door closed behind him with a thud.
    “That was interesting,” said Daio. He looked at Dug’s pale face. “Potential future damage. What does that even mean?"
    “I don’t think he knows,” said Dug and sat on the bed.
    To me it was completely clear.

    He had replaced the hinges a few days ago and the feeling was so good that he regretted he hadn’t done it long before. But it was only temporary feeling; the surgeons had told him two hundred years before that replacing the hinges would make him feel younger. They’d also warned him that once the mechanism had been opened, new problems would arise. Bless them, thought the Doctor as he walked towards the governor’s house. He felt decades younger and it was just in time too.
    It was the season when the plague would strike and he would need to do a lot of walking to and from the White Plains. But the plague came every year. They were not the reason he had decided to replace the hinges. For a few years, he had been expecting the arrival of the person who had made the journey to this human wasteland. He felt his arrival was close now. He didn't know what exactly would happen or how things would evolve. He had plans of course, but he felt it wasn't going to be simple and didn't want his legs to hold him back.
    Very few people were in the streets and he used this lull to go out to the

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