Mythago Wood - 1
follows an absence of seven months from the pages. While
his entries are often detailed, he could not be described as having been a
dedicated diarist, and the style varies from clipped notes to fluent
description. (I discovered, too, that he himself had torn many pages from the
thick book, thus concealing my minor crime quite effectively. Christian had
never noticed the missing page.) On the whole, he seems to have used the
notebook, and the quiet hours of recording, as a way of conversing with himself
- a means of clarification of his own thoughts.
    The entry in question is dated September 1935, and was written shortly after
our encounter with the Twigling. After reading the entry for the first time I
thought back to that year and realized I had been just eight years old.
    Wynne-Jones arrived after dawn. Walked together along the south track,
checking the flux-drains for signs of mythago activity. Back to the house quite
shortly after - no-one about, which suited my mood. A crisp, dry autumn day.
Like last year, images of the Urscumug are strongest as the season changes.
Perhaps he senses autumn, the dying of the green. He comes forward, and the
oakwoods whisper to him. He must be close to genesis. Wynne-Jones thinks a
further time of isolation needed, and it must be done. Jennifer already
concerned and distraught by my absences. I feel helpless - can't speak to her.
Must do what is needed.
    Yesterday the boys glimpsed the Twigling. I had thought him resorbed -
clearly the resonance is stronger than we had believed. He seems to frequent the
woodland edge, which is to be
expected. I have seen him along the track several times, but not for a year or
so. The persistence is worrying. Both boys clearly disturbed by the sighting;
Christian less emotional. I suspect it meant little to him, a poacher perhaps,
or local man taking short cut to Grimley. Wynne-Jones suggests we go back into
woods and call the Twigling deep, perhaps to the hogback glade where he might
remain in the strong oak vortex and eventually fade. But I know that penetrating
into deep woodland will involve more than a week's absence, and poor Jennifer is
already deeply depressed by my behaviour. Cannot explain it to her, though I
dearly want to. Do not want the children involved in this, and it worries me
that they have now twice seen a mythago. I have invented magic forest creatures
- stories for them. Hope they will associate what they see with products of
their own imaginations. But must be careful.
    Until it is resolved, until the Urscumug mythago forms from the woodland,
must not let any but Wynne-Jones know of what I have discovered. The
completeness of the resurrection essential. The Urscumug is the most powerful
because he is the primary. I know for certain that the oakwoods will contain
him, but others might be frightened of the power they would certainly be able to
feel, and end it for everyone. Dread to think what would happen if these forests
were destroyed, and yet they cannot survive for ever.
    Thursday: Today's training with Wynne-Jones: test
pattern 26: iii, shallow hypnosis, green light environment. As the frontal
bridge reached sixty volts, despite the pain, the flow across my skull was the
most powerful I have ever known. Am now totally convinced that each half of the
brain functions in a slightly different way, and that the hidden awareness is
located on the right-hand side. It has been lost for so long! The Wynne-Jones
bridge enables a superficial communion between the fields around each
hemisphere, and the zone of the pre-mythago is excited accordingly. If only
there were some way of exploring the living brain to find exactly where the site
of this occult presence lies.
    Monday: The forms of the mythagos cluster in my
peripheral vision, still. Why never in fore-vision? These unreal images are mere
reflections, after all. The form of Hood was subtly different - more brown than
green, the face less friendly, more haunted, drawn. This is certainly

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