Mysty McPartland

Read Mysty McPartland for Free Online

Book: Read Mysty McPartland for Free Online
Authors: Black Warlock's Woman
would be away, I told ye a month ago.” He did not bother to hide his displeasure at finding his mistress in his home.
    Devena fought down her own anger at her lover’s hostile disapproval at finding her here. She took a step back and for the first time noticed the tiny woman who stood with her back to both her and Rieph she frowned. All the Highland knew her lover had gone to fetch his Sassenach bride.
    She’d been furious w hen she heard the rumor and came to his home to wait his arrival. She was determined to find a way to stop him marrying another woman. She forced herself to smile coquettishly. “Who is this child ye have returned with, Rieph my love?”
    Though fury vibrated through him, he took a step towards his betrothed and gently he turned her around, he gazed down into her face and was not surprised to see the anger there. Taking her hand in his and, even though he felt her stiffen at his touch, he would not release her.
    Eyes darkening with rage he glared at his mistress. “’Tis nay child, but my bonnie bride that I have bought home with me. This is lady Trista Russell who soon will be Trista McKay. Now Mistress Devena ye will excuse us for we have just returned from a long and hard ride and are very much weary.”
    He did not wait for a reply, but led her across the great hall and up the staircase. He knew that not only did Devena furiously watch him, but also the many servants who came into the hall. He opened the door to his chamber and led his future wife inside, he did not want an audience to witness the argument that he knew would explode between them.
    Once he closed the door behind them , he let go of her hand and leaned back against the wooden panel with his arms folded across his chest. He kept his expression neutral as he watched her turn to face him.
    Trista had not wanted him to touch her however, he refused to let go of her hand and when he spoke to the other woman, she didn’t not bother to acknowledge either of them. She fumed silently when he dragged her across the hall, not only in front of his lover, but also the servants as well.
    She ’d never been so furious or so humiliated in all her life. “How dare you. How dare you have your strumpet here in your home when I arrive? You have degraded me beyond decency. If you think I will marry you now you are sadly lacking in sense. I want you to leave. I cannot stomach to be in the same room with you.” No sooner were the words out of her mouth when she was grasped by the arms and lifted off her feet.
    It took all of his control not to lose his temper and when she finished speaking, jaw clenched tight and eyes narrowed he swept her up so that their noses nearly touched. “Ye willnae ever yell or speak to me in such a tone again woman. I am laird here and ‘tis time ye learnt ye place. Now there willnae be any more talk of us nay marrying. We will be wed and nothing is going to stop it. Do ye understand?”
    Finished with the subject, s traightening up he put her down and dropped his hands. He ran his fingers through his long blonde hair. “Now I will send up ye things and have a bath prepared for ye. Just sit and rest until they arrive. Mary will bring ye something to eat.”
    Breathing deeply, she was beyond sense; her rage was boiling and bubbling through her. Once he stepped back, she tossed her long dark hair out of the way and squared her shoulders. “Learn my place? How dare you tell me to learn my place, you blithering fool! I am not some servant or soldier that you can order about. I will not marry you now or ever. Go and marry your damn trollop for all I care.”
    Outraged that she had spoken to him in such a disrespectful manner he roared with anger. “Enough! Dinnae ye dare say another word. If ye do I will toss ye over me knee and give ye the spanking ye need.” When he saw her pale at his threat, he softened his voice. “I will forgive ye for ye anger and ye words lass, for ‘tis tired ye are. But ken this. We will be

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