My Runaway Heart
the street. "No, no,
I didn't see the carriage . . ." She fell silent, gaping as a glossy black
coach drawn by four magnificent matched bays eased into motion from where it
had been waiting several houses away, only to stop at the head of Aunt Winifred's
walk, the burly coachman jumping down from the driver's box to open the door.
    Lindsay didn't tarry when Jared took her by the elbow
and hastened her to the coach, his one simple word making her feel as
wondrously elated as she had last night when she had waltzed in his arms. He
hadn't forgotten after all! She scarcely set a foot upon the steps when she
felt his strong hands encircle her waist to lift her inside, her face growing
warm with pleasure that he would be so gentlemanly. A few low words were spoken
to the coachman and then Jared joined her, settling into the empty space beside
her as the carriage jolted into motion.
    "I thought we might drive around the city."
    "Oh, yes, that would be lovely!" Lindsay knew
she was grinning like an utter fool, but she couldn't help herself. An
adventure at last! With a man who must know London inside and out, a true hero
of the realm! Her imagination whirling as fast as the spokes of the carriage
wheels, she paid little heed when Jared pulled a soft plaid blanket from the
opposite seat and draped it over their legs.
    "It's a damp night. I don't want you to be cold."
    "Oh, it could be freezing, truly, and I doubt I'd
even notice. I've so wanted to see more of London ever since I arrived here."
    "When was that?"
    "Just over three weeks ago. That's why I'm
surprised I'd never seen you before—at any of the balls I attended. Twelve, to
be exact—well, eleven if we don't count last night."
    Oh, dear, she was uttering nonsense again, Lindsay
thought when Jared didn't readily answer, his handsome face half cloaked in
shadow. But her excitement was so great she could barely contain herself, and
she decided then and there she wasn't going to worry how she might or might not
    She had considered, since the Oglethorpes ' ball, that it might be rash to sneak out of the house and
meet a gentleman she hardly knew, a notorious rake, no less, if she believed
even an ounce of what Aunt Winifred had had to say—which she did not.
More likely, jealous tongues had created false rumors about so daring and
valiant a man. And how else would Jared discover that he had found a perfect
match for himself if she didn't demonstrate that she could be as bold and
fearlessly adventurous as he?
    "Tell me about London, please," she blurted,
glancing excitedly out the window. "You must know everything about
it—certainly more than Mayfair. That's all I've seen and scarcely much of it,
since poor Aunt Winnie is so determined to obey Olympia's demands to the
    Even hearing the woman's name on Jared's lips made
Lindsay wish she hadn't mentioned it. "My stepmother, Lady Somerset. She
gave strict instructions that I was to attend balls and little else, no trips
to the theater or pleasure gardens, no visits to Hyde
    "We're passing Hyde Park right now. It's dark, but
if you'd like, I'll have the driver—"
    "Could we?" Lindsay craned her neck to get a
glimpse of the broad expanse of green beyond the gaslights along the way,
elated that Jared had seemed to read her mind. "At least then I can say I've
been there. Then could we pass by Covent Garden, and afterward maybe Vauxhall
Gardens?" She felt breathless as she settled back in the seat and pushed
her damp hood off her hair. "And you must tell me everything about what we
see along the way, will you? And about the places you've traveled? It must be
so exciting to be a spy—oh, but I'm not asking that you tell me any military
secrets. I've just never been anywhere else but Cornwall, and it's so wonderful
that you agreed to meet me tonight and show me the city . . ."
    Lindsay suddenly fell still, realizing as heat crept up
her face that Jared was studying her intently, his

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