bello .”
He let go of Frano and lifted his
garb. My eyes widened, shocked by the ugly cock jutting out from
his body. An angry red scar circled his thick shaft, the jagged
line only an inch away from his balls, which hung low between his
thighs. It looked obscene, not only because of its deformity, but
the fact that I was seeing a priest half-naked. And not only that,
the man’s legs were like tree trunks, thick and muscular,
resembling a body builder’s more than a priest’s. It was almost as
though he was playing dress-up for some sick sexual
“ I’ve only just finished filling
my angel Gabriel with love,” he said, referring to Jagger, “but
you, ragazzo , have replenished me with enough love to fill you both.”
He dropped his garb and climbed between Frano’s legs.
Frano started struggling against
the ties like a maniac, screaming at the priest to get off him. I
continued to stare, unable to make myself move. It was what
would’ve happened to Matt, something that Frano had caused. Karma,
I thought. But as the priest slipped a hand under his garb, and
Frano started screaming louder, something he hadn’t done with me,
his voice pure terror, I snapped, all thought of revenge fleeing my
head. I ran at the priest, shoving him off Frano. The priest yelled
out as he fell to the floor. Letting loose, I kicked him in the
head, then in the stomach, my assault too rapid and harsh for him
to get up from. I imagined him raping Matt; I also imagined my
husband’s screams for mercy and his cries of pain, which the sick
priest would’ve got off on. I aimed for his balls, wanting to crush
them, but instead got the priest’s rear as he rolled onto his
Before I could right that
wrong, heavy footsteps caught my attention. I spun around as the two
Donatelli sons entered the room, the oldest pointing a gun at me. I
backed up, knocking into the priest. The man hit out at me, causing
me to fall onto the bed. I scrambled over Frano, knowing that I was
Frano yelled out: “Don’t shoot! She’s
“ Don’t lie, Frano, we know
s he’s just a
slave,” the oldest son said, Marco from memory, although our
informant called him Lucky. My boss also wanted to take Lucky’s
family down, but unfortunately the Donatelli were out of our
jurisdiction, the scum acquiring their slaves from the European
continent instead of America.
“ I promise she is,” Frano continued. “Look
at her face. See ... you can’t deny she’s not.”
“ I admit she looks like one,”
Lucky said, “but there’s no living female Salvi her
The priest pushed to a sitting position,
his face bleeding profusely, one of his eyes already swelling shut.
“She’s been resurrected! Send her back to the Devil!”
“ No!” Frano yelled.
“Y ou can’t
kill another Salvi; there will be consequences—like the last time.
The Salvi slaughtered the Rizzos for what happened to their
daughter, blaming them for what the Padre did . You lost a great ally that day, and what will happen when
the Salvi find out another of theirs have been killed and you’re
responsible? They will kill you all.”
Lucky frowned. “If she is Salvi, then why
is she naked and with the slaves?”
“ A game, just a game she
enjoys. She’s kinky.”
“ Do you think I’m a
fool? ”
“ It’s the
truth ,
that’s why I said your famiglia couldn’t use her, unlike the other slaves. She’s
not right in the head. She’s been in a mental hospital for a number
of years,” Frano said, sounding so convincing that Lucky looked as
though he was falling for the lies. “She’s also obsessed with me,
which is why she attacked the Padre when he tried to fuck me.”
“ Tell her to come here,” Lucky
said. “I won’t hurt her.”
The priest pushed to his feet, his
eyes blazing. “No, kill her! She is a demon.”
“ Uncle, please, just go back to
Jagger’s cell. You were told not to come in here.”
“ You don’t give me orders; I
only abide