My Country Is Called Earth

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Book: Read My Country Is Called Earth for Free Online
Authors: Lawrence John Brown
down on buildings, fields, streets, and cars.
    On the walk back Exellon stopped, put his arm on my shoulder, and said, “Relax. Stop worrying about your future. You are doing fine. Trust your inner self to always guide and protect you.”
    Exellon’s last words to me that evening were: “Don’t ever forget God is all there is. Treat all things with respect—except for concentrations of power, which are by definition undemocratic. Attack all concentrations of power.”
    Earlier in the day Exellon had given me a collection of essays he had written in 1994, but had never published. While lying in bed that night I began to read his manuscript.
    Blueprints For Revolution

    By Exellon
    Who Owns The Earth?
    Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
    There are, I believe, several possible correct answers to the question, “Who owns the earth?” One answer is that all men and nature, including future generations, own the earth. Another answer is that the earth belongs to the goddess Gaia, our mother, who wants us to share the world with all her children, both human and non-human.
    With either answer this conclusion is obvious: Man does not have the right to behave as if he is the only important creature on this planet, and as if there is no tomorrow. This means we must limit our population. We must end experimentation on animals for medical purposes or for any other reason. We must stop cutting down the old growth and rain forests, destroying the wetlands and the wilderness areas, overharvesting the rivers, lakes, and oceans, and depleting the earth’s mineral reserves.
    Since the earth cannot be the private possession of anyone, no man has the right to hoard wealth. The rich must share their wealth with others. The Essene Jewish sect, which had communities in Egypt and Israel around the first century A.D., gave us an example of what we can expect in the future when men share the earth. This is what the historian Philo wrote about the Essenes:
    Their organization is not based on family kinship...but on zeal for virtue and love of all men. None of them is striving to get possession of any private property...or anything to get rich by, for everything is put into the common pool, which supplies the wants of all alike.
    If any man falls sick, whatever medical treatment or resources are available are devoted to his cure, and his care and recovery are the concern of the whole community. Old men, though they may be childless, are thus assured of happiness and tender care in their old age, just as if they were the fathers of children both numerous and affectionate.
    The time has come for a new way of thinking, a thinking that sees man as a vital member of Gaia’s beautiful family, but not as lord and master of the earth. In the new age we shall attempt to practice this commandment of Buddha, who told his followers to love all things “as a mother loves her only son.”
    Capitalism Was Created By Men, Not By God
    And a homeless hungry man, driving the road with his wife beside him and his thin children in the back seat, could look at the fallow fields which might produce food but not profit, and that man could know how a fallow field is a sin and the unused land a crime against the thin children.
    John Steinbeck, The Grapes Of Wrath
    Capitalism stands for a survival-of-the fittest, exploitation-of-the-weak relationship between men, the wanton destruction of nature, and economic power in the hands of a few. Capitalism is promoted as if the accumulation of wealth is a God-given right, like freedom of speech or religion. I do not believe that God gave the earth to man. And I think there is no such thing as the right of an individual to abuse men and nature. God is not a capitalist: God loves all the world.
    America has the premier capitalist economy in the world, but mankind would be doomed if everyone lived like Americans. Why? Because we are only five

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