    Silvia looked startled and
instinctively waved away the incriminating smoke. "Robyn. Fuck.
Thank God you’re not the building supervisor. He’s on the prowl
right now. What’s cooking in crime?"
    Robyn was reluctant to mention
getting the Markham brief, because she’d have to reveal Brian Davis
was her benefactor. But Silvia would eventually find out. "Oh, I
just got a junior brief in a big case."
    "Really? Who’s the punter?"
    "Rex Markham."
    Silvia looked shocked and her
hand twitched. A plug of cigarette ash skittered across her desk
and napalmed the ragged carpet. "Wow. Congrats. That’ll be a
blockbuster. Who’s your leader?"
    The question she’d feared. "Umm,
Brian Davis."
    A sardonic smile danced across
Silvia’s lips and ignited her cheeks. "Oh, really? You’ve been his
junior before, haven’t you?"
    "Yeah, a few weeks ago."
    "So how’d you get this
    "Well, it seems Brian
recommended me to his solicitor."
    Silvia elevated heavy eyebrows.
"Really? That was very nice of him."
    "It was, wasn’t it?"
    Silvia leered. "Goodness, he
must think you’re an able barrister - very, very able indeed."
    Robyn put her hands on her hips.
"What are you suggesting, you evil woman? I didn’t fuck him, if
that’s what you think."
    Silvia sucked on her cigarette
and blew out a plume of smoke, like a femme fatale in a 40s movie.
"Oh, no, I’m not suggesting that at all. But it’s quite possible,
of course, that you got the brief because he wants to fuck
    Robyn crossed her arms. "You
mean, you don’t think I deserve the brief on merit?"
    "I’m sure you do. But let’s face
it, he’s a known womaniser. In fact, I’ve heard he’s a one-man
bonking team. And you are not unattractive, even if you could dress
    "Thank you, I think. But I’m not
responsible for his behaviour. All I can say is that I haven’t
bonked him and won’t bonk him. In fact, about a week ago, he asked
me out to dinner and I turned him down flat."
    "Yet he still wants you as his
junior in the Markham case?"
    "Yeah. So maybe he thinks I’m
the best person for the job."
    Silvia giggled. "Or he’s
completely smitten and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer."
    Robyn shrugged. "If he is,
that’s his problem. I’m not interested - not at all."
    "You sure about that?"
    "He’s quite good-looking and
bloody successful."
    "So what? He’s not my type."
    "Why not?"
    "Too self-satisfied, for a
start. He could only ever love himself."
    Silvia’s eyebrows danced
merrily. "My goodness, what an unusual barrister."
    Robyn sighed. "You know, on
reflection, maybe I should have refused the brief."
    "Because a lot of people will
probably think I’m shagging him."
    "No they won’t."
    "You did."
    "True. But I’ve got a dirty
mind. You’d be insane to give it up. Keep it and do a good
    Robyn nodded. "Don’t worry, I
    "Good. Let’s celebrate your good
fortune." Silvia opened a drawer and fished out a whiskey bottle
and a couple of glasses, which she puts on the desk.
    Robyn frowned. "It’s a bit
    "Rubbish. It’s already past
    "Actually, it’s only
    "Close enough. Come on, one
glass won’t hurt you."
    "OK. Just one."
    Silvia filled the two glasses
and handed one over.
    Silvia took a gulp and smirked.
"You know, Brian Davis isn’t your only admirer. You’ve got one on
this floor."
    Robyn mentally surveyed the male
barristers who belonged to Fisher Chambers. None had caught her
fancy. Indeed, she’d rarely seen so many sub-standard specimens.
Their drawbacks ranged from alcoholism to slothful manners,
gayness, obesity and excessive use of cologne. Most would look
better with their wigs on backwards. She couldn’t pick her admirer
and was reluctant to be told.
    Morbid curiosity triumphed.
"Really? Who?"
    "Gary Monaghan’s been asking me
about you."
    Christ. She hadn’t thought of
him. This explained why he popped into her room for a chat.
    Robyn said:

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