Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Book: Read Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED for Free Online
Authors: Paul Christian
Tags: Zombies
Bob watched them go for thirty seconds then turned back to work, spotting something that needed his attention yelling at anyone and everyone in the area.

    Opus Shelter team was already in the room when Mike, Mac and a team of lawyers Mike had on retainer walked into the room at The DCU Center in downtown Worcester formerly known as the Centrum, That’s how Mike remembers it. Several of Mike’s Police Buddy's now worked for Mohan Security including his friends Jack Majors and Dave Maddox. Other police worked part time with their department’s permission. Mohan security now had a total security force of around forty personnel, some full time and some part time with plans to expand rapidly
    Jack walked, up as Mike arrived. “Morning Mike rooms been swept for bugs and the Opus team was searched, they weren't happy about that but they’ll get over it. All the doors are covered with our personnel, I’ll stay in with you and Mac, and Dave will supervise the exterior.”
    “Superb, thanks Jack. Let’s go in.”
    Mike walked in behind Mac and Jack who stood until the Opus team stood up and everyone shook hands all around. The head of Opus Corporation, Oddie Gussdorf shook Mike’s hand. “It’s so good to finally meet you Mr. Mohan.” He said. “Call me Mike, my father was Mr. Mohan.” He replied.
    “Then please I’m Oddie. So now that introductions are over I’d like to get right too it and start our presentation.” Oddie stated. Mike nodded as his team sat down on one end of the presentation.
    Oddie started a power point presentation showing their production facilities, quality products and such and such. After a half hour, Mike asked Oddie if they could skip the rest of the power point or was there something vital not covered yet. “No Mike, everything was pretty much covered the rest is more of the same. So what do you think?”
    “Well Oddie, I did my research and am quite satisfied with the product. I told you this would be the largest order you ever processed and we need it done in a year, so I’m willing to pay a bonus on completion of the project. Mac hand over our requirements to the gentlemen and let them have a look.”
    Mac pulled out a large binder and passed it over to Oddie Gussdorf, the CEO of Opus Shelters Corporation, one of the biggest builders of underground shelters in the world and probably not an easy man to impress.
    Oddie took the binder and started leafing through the pages. You could tell how excited he was by his eyebrows raising and his frequent looks up at Mike. The list of products broke down to:
20 Opus survival factories 225’x50’ Gun range and store for half.
80 Opus Bunk shelters 50’x10’ 25 persons max
300 Family shelters 50’x10’ 10 persons max
Large Dome concrete 250’ Diameter
All connecting hallways
Material for 15 more survival factories and the shells for 100 more 50 X 10 shelters.
$ 55,000,000 delivered and or built on site.
    Oddie looked up at Mike stunned. “I know you said this would be our biggest order, it’s more like twenty times our biggest order. Where going to have to work three shifts and find more space even. Why, all this, do you know something the rest of us should know about?” Oddie asked Mike, who sat across the table calmly staring back at him.
    “I’ll tell you shortly Oddie, first can you do it, I have a large work force of my own who will do the site prep and installation. They would just need to be shown one install first to make sure there doing it right.”
    “Yes Mike, I believe we can do it, it will be close, but we can meet you deadline.”
    “Excellent Oddie.” They shook hands and paperwork was pulled out and signed to legalize this contract. After the lawyers left it was just Oddie and Mike remaining. Mac and Jack also went outside.
    Mike told Oddie his story with Mary and all that went along with it, the Lottery, all the other small predictions and what he was doing. He had an instant trust of Oddie

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