Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

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Book: Read Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED for Free Online
Authors: Paul Christian
Tags: Zombies
fourteen hundred feet, seven hundred on the far end of the runway and seven hundred on the closer side, with a four thousand total distance. It should be able to handle C-130’s and most Medium size aircraft. We also stared widening the runway by a hundred feet. And building eight hangers each capable of taking in a C-130 for servicing, plus those extra-large fuel tanks you ordered from that company in Texas will be going in, those must have cost a pretty penny, ten two hundred thousand gallon fiberglass tanks for aviation fuel. What that set you back? Forget it, I don’t want to know, anyway there starting on those this month.” Bob finished catching his breath.
    “Excellent news Bob, Don’t forget the ten similar tanks going in for diesel fuel. He said with a smile. When those hangers and runway are done, we can start shipping in the surplus military equipment for our military and aviation museum.” Mike said with a wink. “The last Chance Firearms store has quadrupled in size and where keeping a lot of inventory on hand. I’ve made deals with all the local Police department to provide cheap ammo and weapons for their departments and to the officers individually, were giving great deals.” My people working the Store have made a point of signing up as many local cops, local veterans and State Police Troopers as members of our Military museum association which includes access to our indoor firearm range at the airport. Most of my employees at the store are either retired Police and military or cops working part time, and I pay well, so there’s no lack of guys and gals looking for a job there. I’m hiring as many part time as I can get away with and encouraging them to apply for their dealers licenses.”
    “We have two used C-130 due in around a month from now and four used UH-1N Iroquois Twin Huey helicopters from Israel, with plans for sixteen more Huey from various countries that are ready to retire and offer them as military surplus. I also have word on a possible total of eight more C-130, some surplus several civilian owned. Needless to say they don’t come cheap. I’m crossing my fingers, I have a line on some early model black hawks that are about to be mothballed. Getting those would be huge. Additionally I’ve hired several pilots, three of which are instructors. Anyone who wants to learn to fly choppers or the big boys, sign up classes start as soon as the Birds arrive and are flight ready. Damn I think I just opened another business. Mohan Flight School.” Mike laughed along with Mac and Bob.
    “Bob, I’ll have the final site plans after meeting with Opus shelters next week.” Mike told him. “Sounds good my surveyors should be done with their work on the roads and airport work by then, things are coming together pretty much on course.” Bob pauses for a few seconds. “Mike, I know I’m being paid and everything, but I can’t help but think this is a huge waste and everything. How many people know the full story, further do they believe you and Mary.” Bob looked out toward the Horizon over the two lakes below.
    “Sometimes I don’t know Bob, Mary’s been one hundred percent accurate in the past, so I have to believe, somehow I came into this money which gives us the chance to do something about whatever coming, how can I not do it? I know I’m looked at like a crackpot and if nothing happens I’m the fool and wasted a billion dollars! Cheer up Bob it’s not your money. In fact you’re making a killing.” He said with a smile, “Plus it’s kind of fun.”
    The only thing I regret is it putting a damper on my relationship with Charly, things were progressing gracefully quickly. After I told her about Mary’s ability's and told her everything, she’s held me at arm’s length, we still talk, but if word gets out what we’re doing her reputation as a news women could be damaged. So were kind of on hold.”
    Mike and Mac jumped back in their truck and took off back down the hill.

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