MONTANA SKY 07.5: Angel In Paradise

Read MONTANA SKY 07.5: Angel In Paradise for Free Online

Book: Read MONTANA SKY 07.5: Angel In Paradise for Free Online
Authors: Debra Holland
wouldn’t be a good idea.
    He quickened his pace into his room and onto the balcony, where he stretched out on his lounge. Taking another sip of his beer, Rafe stared at the water.
    Tonight, the sound of the waves didn’t lull him into relaxation. Instead, his body was strung tight, his emotions turbulent, and his thoughts in a whirl. Angel’s abrupt appearance today had torn away his contentment with his life in paradise.
    For years, he’d lived in this house and enjoyed his solitude. Could probably have gotten along just fine by himself for a long time, maybe forever. But tonight, Angel’s presence had broken open a deep-seated loneliness within him, old and bitter. He didn’t like the feeling.
    Taking the last swig of beer before setting down the bottle, he leaned his head back against the cushions to do some serious thinking. Rafe knew he stood at a crossroads. He could continue on as he had been, avoiding his past, his pain, his family. But he doubted, after today, he’d have success with that decision. The only choice really was to open up to Angel. Face his past. Hear what she had to say.
    But…if they talked in the morning and she convinced him to sign whatever the heck those papers were, he knew she’d leave on the next ferry. If he absolutely refused to sign them, she’d still leave on the next ferry. The thought struck him. The papers be damned. I want her!
    Rafe realized he needed to ask Angel for more time, for her to remain just long enough so he could hook her into staying for good.
    He began to plan his strategy—Operation Angel.


    The next morning, Angel awoke feeling surprisingly refreshed. She’d expected to toss and turn all night, thinking about her life, especially Rafe. Indeed she had for a while before crashing into a deep sleep, soothed no doubt by the sound of the waves through her open windows and balcony door.
    She stretched, then made her way to the bathroom, using the toilet and brushing her teeth. When she opened the door to the hall, she saw her clothes in a neat pile next to several boutique shopping bags. Intrigued, she scooped up everything and brought them inside, dumping the armful on the bed.
    Rummaging through the first bag, Angelina pulled out five bikinis in various colors and styles, which all looked about her size. She held a gold top to her chest, wondering if she’d dare wear the tiny scraps of material in public. Just imagining wearing the bikini in front of Rafe made heat flush through her body.
    Angelina set down the bathing suit and opened the other bag. This one contained three pairs of jeans. Again, he’d guessed her size.
    The warm breeze blowing through the windows made her decide on the clean tank and shorts from yesterday. She dressed and combed out her curly hair, but left it free, flowing to her waist. Rafe had always loved her hair. She put on a little make-up and made a mental note to ask him for sunscreen.
    Angelina paused at the door, wondering how she could pin him down to talk. I’ll find a way, she promised herself.
    Barefooted, Angelina padded down the staircase, eager to see Rafe. She heard the ice-crushing sound of the blender and followed the noise into the kitchen, where she found him whipping up a smoothie. Dressed in a faded gray T-shirt and running shorts, with his hair rumpled, he looked far too attractive for her peace of mind.
    “Ah, just in time.” Rafe smiled, poured the smoothie into two tall glasses, and handed her one. “Good for what ails you.”
    You are what ails me. But Angel didn’t say anything, just took a sip, enjoying the tropical flavors.
    He watched her drink. “Mango. Papaya. Pineapple. Vanilla protein powder. Ice cubes. Liquid vitamins and minerals and other good-for-you things.”
    As opposed to bad-for-me Rafael Flanigan. “I found some interesting articles of apparel outside my door this morning. A bit early for shopping, isn’t it?”
    He flashed the charming Flanigan smile. “A few phone calls,

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