Mistress to the Beast

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Book: Read Mistress to the Beast for Free Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
she plopped down in the seat cattycorner to him, Lila lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “Okay. I’m here.”
    A floral scent wafted to his nostrils making Hunter want to bury his face against neck. Her proximity was doing things to his equilibrium he didn’t think possible. His cock stirred and stiffened, straining against his pants. Goddamn. This woman had to be part witch because she’d cast a spell on him. There was only one way to grab control of the situation and that was to let her know right away who was in charge.
    “Rule number one, when I say jump, you’ll say how high. Two, when I tell you to be somewhere at a designated time, I expect you to make every effort to make it happen.
    Three, you will always be courteous to my staff. And last but not least, failure to obey my rules will result in punishment.”
    Her lips twisted into a smirk. “Punishment? What do you plan on doing? Giving me a time out?”

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    Eve Vaughn
    “You’ll find out when you fail to do as I ask.”
    Mrs. Coates chose that moment to enter the dining room. “Mr. Jamison, are you ready for me to serve the meal?”
    “Yes, thank you.”
    The housekeeper turned to Lila. “Would you like a glass of wine, Miss Lila?”
    “Yes, she would.”
    With a nod Mrs. Coates left them alone once again.
    Fire flashed from the depths of her golden eyes and if looks could kill, Hunter was sure he’d be dead on the spot. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. He couldn’t help admiring her spirit.
    “I can speak for myself and I don’t particularly care for wine at the moment.”
    “Do you have some objection to drinking alcohol?”
    “I don’t, but I’d rather not have any now.”
    “But I want you to have some. It would please me.”
    Her lips quirked. “And what you say goes right?”
    “You’re learning fast.” He allowed his gaze to drift to the tops of her breasts. Unable to go another second without touching her, Hunter reached over and ran his finger across her tantalizing décolletage.
    Lila gasped, eyes widening. She jerked away from his hand. “Don’t.”
    “It’s my prerogative to touch you. Remember our bargain… How is your father by the way?”
    “You’re a beast,” she mumbled under her breath.
    A chuckle escaped his lips. “So they say. And you, my dear, are a beauty and you’re mine—that is unless you’ve changed your mind?”
    Through the narrowed slits of her eyes, Hunter thought he saw a suspicious gleam of moisture. He should have been ashamed for what he was in essence making her do, but he pushed that feeling away quickly. Lila was here of her own free will. It wasn’t as if he were holding a gun to her head to make her stay. So she could save her tears for someone 34

    Mistress to the Beast
    who gave a shit. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you’re angry?
    I’m happy to see the clothes the personal shopper selected for you fit so well.”
    Lila shrugged. “I don’t see why I couldn’t bring my own things.”
    “Because it suits me to see you dressed in satins and silks. My women wouldn’t be caught in anything but the best. When our agreement is over, you may take them with you.”
    The chin was raised once again. “I’ll walk away with what I came into this house with, if it’s all the same to you.”
    He lifted his wine goblet and took a healthy sip before returning it to the table. “Suit yourself. They’re yours to do with as you wish.”
    Mrs. Coates returned, wheeling a cart with their dinner on it.
    Hunter leaned against the back of his chair, realizing Lila had barely looked at his face since she’d entered the dining room. Even those few times when she’d dared to catch his gaze, Lila had quickly looked away. The old insecurities hit him like a sledgehammer.
    It doesn’t matter what she thinks. She’s yours for the taking.
    With slow deliberation, he pushed his hair away from his face. A perverse

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