I hadn’t been halfway to being drunk there was no way I would have kissed
such a bad-mannered man. No, that was wrong, let him kiss me, because I really
hadn’t had a choice, he’d backed me into a wall and devoured me. That’s what I
remembered anyway.
The trouble was whenever I thought about his lips on mine
and his big body pressing into me, a quiver started in my belly. It traveled up
to my chest, causing my nipples to tingle, and it also shot heat down to the
juncture of my thighs, making me press my legs together and clench my internal
It wasn’t that I liked him—Dustin—it was just that I liked
the thought of what he could do to me. Jesus, if just the memory of a kiss had
me buzzing, imagine if we were together for real, doing the deed, fucking. It
would be off the scale.
But that was never going to happen. So with a handle on what
was going on with the team finances, I decided to head to the island and see my
father. I’d nearly lost him a month ago, and that fear, that heart-twisting
dread on the flight back from Paris thinking that I might be organizing his
funeral was still weighing heavily on me. So if there was a chance to go and
spend some time with him, even if she was there, then that was what I
should do. Plus it would give me the chance to catch up with him about some of
the money-saving ideas I had for the Vipers.
I organized for Clifford, Dad’s driver, to pick me up and
take me to the small private airfield we used. It wasn’t far and I made a few
phone calls on the way. Let Mike know I was out of town and also called my
mother, checked in that she was recovering okay from her latest round of
plastic surgery. It seemed being single again had sparked a need for a total
body revamp. She’d been beautiful before but who was I to judge?
I made it to the small, out-of-town airfield in good time,
but unfortunately the plane was delayed and I ended up hanging around in the
empty departure lounge sipping from a water bottle and reading my Kindle.
My cell rang and I glanced at the screen, wondering who it
could be. It flashed up Henri’s name and a picture of him standing on the wall
around the glass pyramid at the Louvre.
I smiled and hit answer. It had been weeks since I’d heard
his sexy French accent.
“ Bonjour , Henri ,” I said.
“Ah, Gina, how are you? It has been so long. My ’eart is
I smiled and pictured his handsome, expressive face. “I’m
sure your ’eart is just fine, Henri, but it is nice to know you care.”
“I do care. I was calling to see how you are, and your poor
papa, how is he?”
“Doing well, home from hospital and taking it easy.” Out of
the corner of my eye I saw a vehicle pull up in the adjacent private lot, a large
black wagon. I turned from the brightness of the window and paced beside a row
of plush red chairs. “It’s keeping me busy though, sorting out his business
“But you like to be busy, no?”
“Yes, I guess. What about you?”
“Ah, that is why I am calling, ma cherie . I
have exciting news.”
“You do?”
“Yes, and I wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Wow, you got that job in Reims?”
“No, no, I didn’t want it, they want me, I say no. I am a
Paris boy, how could I leave?”
I heard the automatic door whoosh behind me, glanced at the
screen to my left and saw that my father’s plane was just landing. Good, I’d
soon be on my way.
“What is it, Henri? You have me all excited.”
“You remember Marie, the girl from the café?”
“Well, we are to be married, next month.”
“Married.” I felt as though I’d been gut-checked. Damn,
Henri and I had only been messing about, but really, within weeks of me dashing
back to the USA he was getting married, to Marie, the girl I’d told him on
several occasions was always giving him the eye and following him around the
room with her gaze. Seemed she’d been biding her time for me to get out of the
picture and I
Massimo Carlotto, Antony Shugaar