“Why the hell would you think I want you?” I whispered,
studying the way his short hair was neatly clipped around his ear.
“Maybe because right now you’re physically hanging on to me.
Maybe because you didn’t go off with Vadmir or Mike tonight, you came to bed
alone, hoping I would follow.”
“No, I didn’t, that’s ridiculous, I…”
“What?” He looked into my eyes, his nose just an inch from
mine. “You what, Miss Gunner?”
“I didn’t hope you’d follow. You annoy the hell out of me.”
I frowned, but as I did so my lips puckered, and I moved my head a little
nearer to his. The urge to feel his mouth on mine was becoming overwhelming.
“And you annoy the fuck out of me,” he said, also drawing a
fraction nearer. “Not least because you lost us the game tonight.”
“I didn’t,” I whispered.
He kind of growled and a tug in my belly told me that noise
turned me the hell on, even though I knew it shouldn’t.
“And,” he murmured, “you annoy me because you won’t admit
you need me.”
I was a little breathless. He was stealing my breath and my
rational thoughts. His rich, low voice was almost hypnotic. “I don’t need you.”
“Yeah, you do.”
His mouth hit down on mine and he yanked me close. It was a
kiss that was ravenous and furious and made my head spin. I was trapped in his
arms, feeding him kiss for kiss. Our tongues at war and our teeth touching as
he slanted his head to drive deeper.
I wanted to climb up him, get in him, have him in me. Fuck,
the guy could kiss as well as he could stop a puck. It was intoxicating and a
sudden desperation to get naked stormed through me.
“Dustin,” I managed against his mouth.
He was panting, so was I.
“We should—” I said, glancing at my room door.
“No.” He released me as suddenly as he’d grabbed me and I
faltered for a second to regain my balance. “No, we should do nothing.” He
flicked his hand between us. The teasing humor had left his eyes, now they were
cloudy, defensive. “Fucking nothing. Nothing at all.”
Oh God, he regretted the hottest kiss I’d ever had.
Well, that was okay, because I regretted it too. Even though
I could taste him, feel him. Even though my blood was boiling for him. I
regretted it.
Didn’t I?
He crowded me again, backing me into the wall. His lips were
shiny and his chest was rising and falling rapidly.
I didn’t speak, just stared up at his rugged, flushed face
and wondered what the heck was going on.
“One day soon,” he said, his mouth almost touching mine and
his body pressing into my chest. “You willadmit that not only do you
want me but also that you need me.”
I parted my lips, wanting his tongue, needing his heat and
taste. Oh God, my head was spinning with it all—lust, confusion, desire, hell
to the consequences.
“And I’m not talking about your bed,” he said gruffly, “I
mean on the goddamn ice.”
Suddenly he pushed away, turned and strode down the
I watched him go with a sense of acute disappointment mixing
with fury.
How dare he? Just because I had a moment of madness thinking
I might do dirty deeds with his athletically honed body, it didn’t mean I was
prepared to sign on the dotted line for another multimillion-dollar contract.
Manipulative bastard.
Chapter Four
The trip back to Orlando was uneventful. I sat as far from
Dustin as physically possible on the plane and made a point of escaping the
rush of the airport without saying goodbye to anyone. I wanted to be alone.
Alone and in Dad’s air-conditioned, peaceful house away from
the damn Vipers. Because, damn it, who would have thought one of the wily
snakes could have almost charmed his way into my bed during my first few weeks
in control.
God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t stopped it.
Or was it the other way ’round? Had he stopped it? My memory was a
little fuddled. Shots didn’t suit me and neither did wine on an empty stomach.