magic though?” he practically yelled, which caught Tark’s
He turned back to check on them and seeing
Elenio was still firmly on the ground, resumed his trek down the
“Peace, my love. It wouldn’t have matter what
I did. I was so tired and hungry already. Even a slight breeze
would have pushed me too far. I knew I would have to do something
to assure that you and Tark could make it to safety with or without
me. No matter what I did, I knew I would be crossing a line and
looking at you and Tark, I was willing to do just that.”
Understanding and acceptance crossed Elenio’s
face and he mulled over what she had told him. “I blame myself. I
was too weak to do you any good and they overwhelmed us.”
“No. Don’t. There was too many altogether. No
one is to blame.” Galena felt a rush of gratitude race through her
and Elenio pulled her in for a hug.
Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he
placed his cheek on the top of her head as he had done so many
times before. “I love you and I’m so glad you’re back.”
Smiling again, Galena wrapped her arms around
his torso and returned the hug in full force. “I’m sorry I scared
you. Again.”
Chuckling slightly, Elenio stepped back and
reaching out, he proceeded to mess her hair up as he use to in the
past. Growling, Galena kicked out at him, missing by several
“Yeah, one of these days, you’re going to
cause my heart to stop all together.” He grabbed her hand and
together, they followed Tark.
The journey down the mountain went much
smoother with Galena able to produce water and food whenever it was
needed. She produced campfires with little effort and even cooled
them off with the occasional breeze. At one point, she decided to
fly them down the last hundred yards, saving them a day of
traveling down the mountain. This worried Elenio to the point that
Galena agreed to slow down with the magic. However, she only did so
after he threw a giant fit, demanding she be careful. He stated
they had just gotten her back and she needed to think about what
they went through during that time. She felt he was being overly
cautious though as nothing she’d done yet, caused her to break a
sweat. However, sensing now would not be the time to argue with
either of her companions; she stuck to providing food and
They headed west as Mira instructed, talking
about different types of magic she might have use in the cave as
they traveled. Elenio and Tark couldn’t imagine what would be
harder than what they’d already been through, and Galena really
didn’t want to consider it at all. She would cross that bridge when
she came to it. Elenio continually asked if Galena was sure she
hadn’t misunderstood Mira, when she stated only Galena would be
able to enter the cave. He’d even gone as far as restating the
question several different ways to make sure he couldn’t catch
Galena in a lie. She seemed to think he believed she was just
trying to shield Tark and himself from harm. However, this wasn’t
true. If anything, Galena was terrified of what was to come.
Leaving behind the security she felt when she was with Tark and
Elenio made the whole thing seem ten times worse in her mind.
That night, they decided to make camp under
the cover of the trees. Galena offered to grow them a shelter, but
the other two would hear nothing of it.
“We just got you back today. Please, give us
some time to get used to you being alive and healthy. Once we see
you’re not going randomly fall over and die, or try to kill
yourself again.” Elenio scooted out of the way at this point when
Galena tried to kick him before continuing on, “Then we’ll be okay
with you using more magic.”
“Really Galena, how many heart stopping
experiences do you think we can handle?” Tark asked, a looked of
feigned worry on his face.
“The sad part is,” Elenio said more to Tark.
“Most of the damage she has suffered has been at her
Margot Theis Raven, Mike Benny