Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life

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Book: Read Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life for Free Online
Authors: Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus
Tags: Psychology, Reference, Self-Help, Non-Fiction, Minimalism
to eliminate certain foods from your diet completely ( I’m not allowed to eat this! ) than it is to reduce the consumption of an item ( Oh, one more bowl of pasta won’t kill me! ). That kind of mentality makes reduction a slippery slope, one that sometimes leads right back to regular consumption. We recognize that eliminating all the following items from your diet might not be ideal, but you can always eliminate them for just 10 days (you can do anything for 10 days, right?) and reintroduce small amounts if you need to.
Gluten, breads, and pastas . Many people are allergic or sensitive to gluten without even knowing it. In 2010, Joshua discovered he was allergic to gluten after experiencing several stomach issues that gradually got worse. His doctor informed him he was allergic to gluten, which, once he eliminated it from his diet, he noticed a remarkable difference in the way he felt. Furthermore, breads and pastas (even the rare, gluten-free varieties) add unnecessary carbohydrates and sugars to your diet, which cause you to gain weight. Breads and pastas are processed foods that our bodies were not designed to digest. The two of us tend to eat rice instead of these foods.
Any drinks other than water . Coffee, caffeinated tea, soda, bottled juice, et cetera—none of these things are water. Most add unnecessary calories to your diet, and they will never hydrate you like water will.
Dairy . You don’t have to be a vegan to live a healthy life. In fact, both of us consume small amounts of dairy from time to time (although we’ve drastically reduced our dairy consumption). But ask yourself a few questions: Why are humans the only animals on the planet who consume another animal’s breast milk? Do you think the human digestive system is designed to digest a cow’s milk? Can you remove dairy from your diet for 10 days and notice a difference?
Meat . This one is sometimes controversial. We stopped eating meat as an experiment a couple years ago and noticed phenomenal results, so we never went back (other than fish, which we discuss in the following sections). The best advice we can give you is to test it yourself—stop eating meat for at least 10 days and notice the difference it makes. Then decide for yourself.
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    We replaced the foods we reduced or eliminated by adding healthier alternatives that we enjoy. 
Water . We recommend drinking at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 200 pounds, drink at least 100 ounces of water. 
Green drinks . Want a boost in your energy? Not getting your daily veggies? Drink a green drink. We like Healthforce Vitamineral Green, Kyo-Green, and Amazing Green (Berry Flavor). Just mix a tablespoon with 10 ounces of water, drink it, and feel the difference. We drink at least two or three every day. You’ll notice a difference in energy and vitality right away. Green drink also helps you fend off hunger, keeping you from overeating.
Fresh juices . Get yourself a juicer and use it daily. It is worth the investment. The best juicer we’ve found is the Omega J8004 Masticating Juicer. It does the best job juicing green vegetables (plus everything else: veggies, fruits, children’s toys—you name it, it will juice it). Or, the Hamilton Beach 67650 Juice Extractor is a less expensive option (albeit not as powerful as the Omega). Can’t afford a juicer? Sell your junk and buy one—we’re certain the juicer will add more value to your life than your stuff.
Vegetables . Vegetables are low in calories and high in essential vitamins and nutrients. Eat as many non-starchy vegetables as you want—they are good for you.
Beans and legumes . Beans and legumes add healthy proteins and carbohydrates to your diet. They also help you feel full and satisfied so you don’t overeat.
Fruits . Fruits are a bit tricky. They are healthy—filled with necessary vitamins, acids, and water—but they also contain a lot of natural sugar. Thus, a

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