Mimics of Rune 02- Surrender
hands, holding them tight. “Say it.”
    “Why’d you go down that path? Why’d you give in to him like that? He’s one of the best Mimics in the world, Charley, and you just handed him Lily.”
    “No, I—”
    Cael yanked himself free.
    “Cael Robert Aldridge, get your ass over here.”
    Only his mother—a woman he hadn’t seen since her death forty years before—had called him by his full name.
    “Turn around, Cael,” Charley said.
    James and Wyatt both laughed.
    “And you two … cut it out. It’s late. I’m tired, and my insanely human-only body is calling for sleep like I’ve been drugged with a massive dose of tranquilizers.”
    Cael spun as directed. He gave Charley a small bow. “Yes, master. What can I do for you?”
    Charley’s grin undid him.
    His heart hurt because of Lily’s absence and his own failure to get Roy to talk. “I’m sorry, Charley. Everything you said was right.”
    “You ready to listen to me, now?”
    A wave of his hand through the air gave her the go-ahead.
    “Roy’s feelings came through clearly once I put his signals to a pattern. Twitches to the left and he agreed. To the right, maybe not so much. I asked him the same questions for four hours, Cael. Four.” She held out her fingers as if he needed to count them. “That’s the benefit of still having my photographic memory. Once I figured him out, it took nothing to get him to agree. I did put him off, though, because I don’t know what you need him to tell you. He says he didn’t have anything to do with Lily’s disappearance. So … what … what do you want me to ask him?”
    “I—” Cael stared at Wyatt and James.
    They’d had a plan. To wheedle information about whom Roy worked for, and why he’d dropped in on their town. With Lily gone, his top-ranked question altered to: Why are you following the woman I’ve loved for four decades but who sees me as big brother?
    Charley tapped him on the shoulder. “Let’s take a break. We’re stressed. We’re overtired. At least, Wyatt and I are. Or maybe just me.” She walked past him. “We’re going to crash and resume in the morning.”
    “Here, or are you going … home?” Cael asked.
    She held out her hand for Wyatt and waited.
    He took it. “You still have your room, you know. It’s been a month since we’ve stayed.” He gathered her into his arms and smiled.
    Cael never thought adjusting to not having Charley around all the time would affect him. With Lily gone, the lack of them both tore his heart in two.
    “We’ll stay.” Her hand slipped to Wyatt’s. “I want to be here anyway in case Lily—”
    All four cell phones buzzed.
    Cael whipped his out as Charley, Wyatt and James did the same.
    A single text appeared on Cael’s screen. Am okay. Not sure where. Don’t worry. Eat red-topped containers first so they don’t go bad.
    Charley snorted. Wyatt laughed. James burst out a guffaw.
    Cael’s scowl took hold until the tightness of his muscles sent a throb of a headache through his eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you three? She’s missing, dammit, and you think—”
    Charley’s arms wound around him again, soothing as much as it hurt. “I told you she was stronger than you thought. She told us what to eat, Cael. To eat!” Her mirth continued while Cael’s worries grew.
    “I’m with …” Wyatt started.
    Cael shot a glance at Wyatt.
    “… Let’s wait and see what’s going on. Since Roy’s not involved, then—”
    “This could be a fake.” Cael pushed away. “I’m going to go run some diagnostics.”
    “Cael!” Charley’s voice reached him from behind. “She’s okay. I can feel it.”
    “You’re not a Mimic anymore, Charley. You can’t just feel everything.”
    • • •
    Footsteps behind Cael persisted as he enclosed himself in their shared inner office and folded himself into his chair.
    The door slammed shut. “That was a fucking low blow, Cael, and you know it.” Wyatt stood with his arms crossed over his

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