Melissa's Acceptance
the pheromones they were emitting, but whatever it was got to her every time. Each time was harder to ignore than the last, and it was even more difficult to hold her tongue and not to demand that they appease all her aches and lust.
    “How are you feeling, baby?” Damian asked.
    “I’m fine.”
    Luke squeezed her hand. “Has your headache gone? Are there any lingering effects?”
    “No, not really.”
    “What do you mean by that?”
    Melissa sighed, but because she knew neither one of them would let up until she answered them honestly, she answered, “I still feel a little thick-headed, but I’m not in any pain.”
    “I’m so sorry I hurt you, sweetheart. I could have injured you worse than you were.”
    “Don’t worry about it.”
    “But I do. It’s my, our job to protect you from any harm, and I hurt you before I even knew your name.”
    “I don’t blame you, Luke. If you want to place blame, then put it on me. I wasn’t looking where I was going either. Just forget about it. Okay?”
    Luke nodded his head, but he still looked concerned and contrite. He was such a caring man and she was already beginning to have feelings for him, for the both of them, and she’d only known them for such a short time. The more she was with them the more she wanted to be with them. Even though she knew she should and would have to go home, she didn’t want to. The thought of leaving and never seeing them again caused pain in her chest, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to become their mate. In fact, she didn’t have a clue what to do. Her mind was telling her to go and yet when she thought about getting up and walking out the door, her body didn’t cooperate.
    Maybe the best thing to do was just leave and forget she had ever met them. That way she wouldn’t get hurt or be humiliated ever again.
    * * * *
    Luke didn’t know how much longer he could sit next to his mate and not kiss her. His wolf kept pushing at him and urging him to claim her, but he pushed his beast back down. Although he would never mate her against her will or force her to do anything she didn’t want to do, ever, he needed to be closer to her. He used his free hand, palmed her cheek, and turned her gaze back to his. When his eyes met hers, he felt like he was drowning in her gorgeous green eyes. He inhaled deeply and growled low in his throat when he smelled the musky scent of her desire. No other woman would ever do for him or his brother. The thought of being this close to another female was repugnant to him and his animal. But he couldn’t hold off on tasting her any longer.
    Luke moved in slowly as he kept his gaze locked with hers. When she didn’t pull away or break their visual connection, he lowered his eyes to her mouth. She licked her lips in what he hoped was preparation for the meeting of their mouths and met his gaze once more. Her pupils started to dilate and he could see the desire in her eyes. Her breathing escalated and her heartbeat picked up speed, too.
    With a small, soft groan of hunger, he finally moved the last couple of inches until their lips met. He brushed his lips over hers, back and forth in the slightest of touches, and when she sighed against his mouth in acceptance and leaned into him, he opened his mouth and deepened the kiss.
    He started off slow, relishing in the sensations of having her mouth under his, taking in the taste and feel of her soft, moist flesh, but then the hunger simmering inside him grew to raging proportions and the gentleness of their first kiss was no longer enough. Luke swept his tongue over her lips, asking, hoping, and praying for entrance, and joy filled him when she didn’t deny him. She opened to him without hesitation and moaned quietly when his tongue pushed into her mouth and glided along hers. Melissa tasted so sweet, so right, and so addictive. At the first deep taste of her, he knew he would never be able to get enough of her. This first kiss was just an appetizer and he

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