Melabeth Forgive Me, For I Am Sin!
disappointed, "Ok, where are we going?"
    Alice jumped to her feet, and with a big smile she blurted out, "Candy Land."
    She ran into her room to get dressed. She called for me to follow her. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I was sure the night was about to get interesting.
    *                   *                    *
    Alice still had not let me in on where we were going. She had dressed us like we were twelve years old. Then she put my hair into pony tails and with her expert hands, she applied makeup that not only made me look young, but alive.
    We were driving across town in a Cadillac. I quietly watched the lights go by. The lights of the strip were replaced by the lights of homes and street lam ps. The further we drove, the more shady the neighborhood became.
    “Come on… where are we going? What is Candy Land?”
    Alice snickered, “You sound winey and needy, you’re really getting into your role.”
    “And what role is that?”
    Alice laughed, “A young , lost little girl, full of questions and unsure of what to do.”
    I stopped looking out the window and looked over at Alice driving. “ Let me get this straight, you want me to act like you?"
    She glanced over at me before returning her eyes back to the road. Full of mischief, “Oh just you wait. You have no idea what the night has in store for you. We are creators of the night, we are killers. There is so much you don’t know about being a vampire. Like the fact that we can steal more than just life; we can steal memories. Oh the fun we will have little sister!”
    It took me a moment for her words to re gister. Did she say we could steal memories? If so, was that really a dream? I yelled without meaning to, “What? We can steal memories, HOW?”
    Alice chuckled darkly, “I will show you… tonight… in Candy Land.”
    Alice pulled the Cadillac into a parking lot. It was a casino, but not like one on the strip. There were lots of small casinos spread around Las Vegas that didn’t worry about the big lights. They were casinos for locals, the odds were slightly better, but that was just to keep you coming back. One sign stood out. It hung over the front door with a couple of the letters not shinning anymore. The sign said, Candy Land Casino .
    “Oh whoopee a Casino,” I mocked.
    Alice grunted, “You wouldn’t know a good time if it hit you between the legs.”
    I answered her, “ I thought you were the good time.” We both got out of the car and headed toward the front door. “We do look young enough to get in?”
    As we opened the door to go in side, one of the security guards looked right at us and nodded as we passed by. I looked over at Alice and asked, “What did he see when we came in the door?”
    Alice grinned, “A beautiful middle age woman, and a old hag.”
    I laughed, “Let me guess which one I was.”
    Alice retorted, “You have to guess?”
    I came right back with, “What about the cameras? You can’t hypnotize someone through a camera.”
    She looked at me as if she was tiring of this, “Melabeth, this is a vampire city. This is a vampire owned and operated Casino. Don’t you think they know who I am?”
    I conceded, “Ok Alice… what now?”
    Alice led me over to the far side of the Casino, then explained. “We are hunting my favorite food tonight.”
    I looked around the Casino and comment ed, “All I see are old people and overweight middle age men. The women look rougher than the old carpet. This place is nothing like the Casinos uptown, where everything looks shiny and new. This place looked like a warehouse that had been closed by the health inspectors and reopened as a Casino. What kind of people do you like to eat?”
    Alice gave me a dirty look, “I like to kill. You like to kill. It is why we are here. If I must kill then I chose to kill hunters like myself. They hunt children, girls and boys alike. They are foul, and worthy of nothing but a painful death. They

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