Me & My Boyfriend
Perplexed, Black continued, I do know your friend needs to leave that nigga alone though because he's crazy.” Black said thinking back to how his father used to beat on his own mother.
    Black didn't remember when it all started. But, by the time he was old enough to understand, he was used to it. Anything his mother would do, if his father didn't like it, she would get beat. If dinner wasn't ready and on the table, she would get beat. If the house wasn't dust free, she would get beat. If Black cried and his mother couldn't quiet him down, she would get beat. Almost everyday his mother had a different bruise on her body. Normally, he would hit her in places that she could hide with clothes, so no one could tell that his father beat her. Then he started drinking, and he didn't give a fuck. One time he beat his mother so bad she had to go to the hospital. He had broken one of her ribs, blacked both of her eyes, and busted her nose.
    After that incident, the authorities took Black out of the home, saying he wasn't in a stable environment. The state was going to put him in foster care until his grandmother stepped up to the plate. He thanked God everyday for that blessing. Black had already made a promise to himself that, when he was old enough, he would buy a gun and kill his father. Black begged his mother to leave too, but instead, she opted to stay. She told Black she loved his father and that she made a promise to God to stick through for better or worse.
    Sadly enough things never got better. The last fight Black's mother and father had led to someone dying.
    At the funeral, Black never shed one tear, his heart had already turned cold. He hated his mother for not leaving. And so he sat and stared at the coffin hoping that, at least, now his mother was finally at peace. Black's father stabbed his mother thirty-two times. That time he succeeded in destroying the women he so-called loved.
    That mark in Black's life made him look at women different. He vowed that he would never love any woman, scared that he would follow in his father's footsteps. Fearful he may end up with the negative trait of abuse. Also making him hate women who couldn't stand on their own. Weak, fragile, insecure, immature, dumb, gold diggings, hoes, were not for him. And the incident that night dredged up too many suppressed feelings in Black. Being able to stick up for someone who couldn't, made Black's heart loosen a bit.
    Stopping in front of the apartment building, Meesa considered asking Black to come up. But thought against it, rethinking the words he uttered to her.
    “Well, thanks Black for the ride.”
    “You welcome Shorty. You mind if I come up and use your bathroom?” Black asked, not wanting the night to be over.
    “Sure.” Meesa said, glad that he wasn't leaving yet.
    Meesa escorted Black up to her apartment. While Black took a piss, Meesa hurriedly sprayed perfume on her body and checked her hair and makeup. By the time he got out of the bathroom, Meesa was seated in her love seat, as if she had been sitting there the entire time.
    “Would you like a glass of wine?” Meesa asked, nervously.
    “Yeah, what you got?”
    “Um, I have a bottle of White Zinfandel.”
    “Yeah, go and pop that shit open.” Knowing she shouldn't be drinking, Meesa poured two glasses of wine.
    She hoped she didn't get drunk instantly and make a fool out of herself. Handing him his drink, Meesa sat back on the love seat across from him. Immediately feeling a buzz, Meesa's body tingled. Feeling sexual, she realized she hadn't had any in four months. Black, on the other hand wanted another glass, not feeling a thing. One glass didn't do a damn thing to him.
    After three more glasses, he finally was at a place of peace.
    Eyeing Meesa's silky legs crossed, he licked his lips. She had the prettiest legs in the world to him. Feeling him staring she uncrossed her legs giving him a sneak peek.
    Black's eyes widened, loving every minute he spent with her.

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