Maybe Someday

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Book: Read Maybe Someday for Free Online
Authors: Colleen Hoover
been piled up on the other side begins to fall in on me. First it’s the lamp, then the end table it was resting on, then the end table the lamp and the other end table were piled on top of.
    Dammit, Warren.
    These pranks are starting to get out of hand. I press my arm into the couch that’s been shoved up against my bedroom door. I push it back out into the living room and jump over it, then head toward the kitchen.
    I carefully spoon toothpaste onto an Oreo, then replace the top of the cookie and gently squeeze it. I put it back into the package with the rest of Warren’s Oreos and seal the package shut, just as my phone vibrates.
Sydney: Can you do me a favor?
    She has no idea how many favors I’d do for her right now. I’m pretty much at her mercy.
Me: What’s up?
Sydney: Can you look out your balcony door and tell me if you see anything suspicious going on at my apartment?
    Shit. Does she know? What does she want me to tell her? I know it’s selfish, but I really don’t want to tell her about her boyfriend until after I have the chance to talk to her about the lyrics.
Me: Okay. Hold on.
    I walk to my balcony and glance across the courtyard. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. It’s almost dark, though, so I can’t see much. I’m not sure what she wants me to find, so I choose not to be too descriptive when I respond.
Me: Looks quiet.
Sydney: Really? Are the blinds open? You don’t see people?
    I look again. The blinds are open, but the only thing I can see from here is the glare from the TV.
Me: Doesn’t look like anyone’s home. Aren’t you having a birthday party later tonight?
Sydney: I thought so. I’m really confused.
    There’s movement in one of the windows, and I see her roommate going into the living room. Sydney’s boyfriend follows closely behind her, and they both sit on the couch, but all I can see is their feet.
Me: Wait. Your boyfriend and your roommate just sat on the couch.
Sydney: Okay. Sorry to bother you.
Me: Wait. What about tonight? Are you still having a birthday party?
Sydney: I don’t know. Hunter says he’s taking me out to eat as soon as I get home from work, but I sort of thought it was a lie. I know he and Tori had lunch together a couple of weeks ago, but they don’t know I know. They were obviously planning something, and I assumed it was a surprise party, but tonight’s the only night that could happen.
    I wince. She actually caught them in a lie, and she thought they were together because they were planning something nice for her. Christ. I don’t even know the guy, and I have a huge urge to walk over there and beat the shit out of him.
    It’s her birthday. I can’t tell her on her birthday. I take a deep breath, then decide to text Maggie for advice.
Me: Question. You busy?
Maggie: Nope. Shoot.
Me: If it was your birthday and someone you knew found out I was cheating on you, would you want to know right then? Or would you hope that person would wait to tell you until it was no longer your birthday?
Maggie: If this is a hypothetical question, I’m going to kill you for this heart attack. If it’s not hypothetical, I’m going to kill you for this heart attack.
Me: You know it’s not me. It’s not your birthday. ;)
Maggie: Who’s cheating on whom?
Me: It’s Sydney’s birthday today. The girl I was telling you about who writes the lyrics. I happen to know her boyfriend is cheating on her, and I’m kind of in a position where I should tell her because she’s becoming suspicious.
Maggie: Jesus. I’d hate to be you right now. But if she’s suspicious and you know for a fact that he’s cheating, you need to tell her, Ridge. If you don’t say anything, you’re inadvertently lying.
Me: Ugh! That’s what I thought you’d say.
Maggie: Good luck. I’m still going to kill you for the heart attack next weekend.
    I sit on the bed, then start a text to Sydney.
Me: I’m not sure how to say this, Sydney. You’re not driving right now, are you?
Sydney: Oh,

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