Maybe Baby
asked, using a lofty monotone. His arms were now crossed, drawing my attention yet again to the skin his shirt didn’t cover.
    “We weren’t at the pool for very long,” I told him, shifting uncomfortably in my guard-railed bed. Geez, it was hard to sit up straight in these things. “We were just having a barbeque, and sure, there was alcohol around but just beer and wine coolers. And after we ate, we went swimming.” I looked up at him, with nervous hands and a brave face, “In your pool. We were playing some stupid game where…” I made some kind of indicating hand gesture, “You do this… thing where you get on each other’s shoulders to try to make the other person lose their balance. Or something.” This was where I expected him to smirk and once again remark on the fact that we were in his pool.
    But Trey didn’t smirk. He didn’t fire me. He didn’t roll his eyes at the stupid naïve girl who couldn’t even drink out of one of those stupid accordion-looking death straws.
    He started laughing.
    Not a barrel-laugh or anything. I couldn’t even tell that he was laughing at first; I just saw that he clamped his lips shut. But when he bowed his head down, and his shoulders began to shake with his arms still crossed, I was pretty much clued in. Then he looked back up with probably the most gorgeous smile on the face of this planet.
    “You almost drowned while Chicken Fighting?”
    Wow. Seriously, it wasn’t that I was ignoring the question so much as I was downright fascinated with what that smile did to Trey. He went from being this super sexy Versace-ad-looking employer with a temper; to just a guy who was completely mesmerizing with this riveting smile.
    I got my head back in the game, blinking a couple of times. “No, I didn’t almost drown while Chicken Fighting…I hit my head on the side of the pool when Jenna shoved me.”
    And gone was the smile. Saying that it disappeared would be a vast understatement, because Rhett my Boss was back in full swing within the next nanosecond. “Had she been drinking?” Trey asked.
    I bit my lip, because I really hated shoving someone in front a bus. And I wasn’t going to do that. Even with Jenna, the girl with a pair of Victoria’s biggest Secrets. Nope. Not goin’ to happen, Mr. Sinclair. You can sit there and penetrate me with those gorgeous eyes and startling smiles all day. I wasn’t going to slip this time. Nope!
    “ Jenna pushed you, Tylar?” Denise’s hiss was accessorized with one of those narrowed-eyed looks that most girls have down to perfection.
    Ah, hell.
    “Yeah, she did,” I said more to Denise than to Trey, followed by a quick, “but that’s part of the game, right? She really hadn’t been drinking any more than I had.” I shot Ray a quick look that practically screamed Help me, dammit!
    Before he could jump in and save the day, I heard Trey’s deep breath.
    “Alright,” he started, “It doesn’t matter if she was drinking. I just wanted to know what happened to you. Now, if you all will excuse me, I gotta go do some things.”
    What. The…?
    I would've replied to that except I wasn't sure what was going to come out of the guy’s mouth next. Luckily, Denise edged herself into the conversation again.
    “Well, thank you, Mr. Sinclair for bringing Tylar here to the hospital. She’ll be like brand new in a couple days. You practically won’t even know that she’s gone!” She confettied that last statement with a false laugh, which sobered right up the second Trey gifted her with a dark look. Still, the woman soldiered right on through. “We’re just goin’ to get her bathed right up, and she’ll be nearly sparklin’.”
    “Thank you,” Trey tossed at her before he threw a last glance my way. “Make sure she stays in the shallow end.”
    And then he was gone. Just like that.

Chapter 4
    Trey had just left when Ray spoke up, concern lacing his voice.
    "Ty, we've been trying like crazy to contact your mom.

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