Maureen's Choice

Read Maureen's Choice for Free Online

Book: Read Maureen's Choice for Free Online
Authors: Charles Arnold
Tags: Erótica
stepped closer. She felt his long fingernails trailing up the back of her thigh. She knew both men could see her stiff nipples under the thin cotton dress. She put her mouth next to Rashid’s ear and whispered, “Yes, I’ll suck your dick. I’ll suck it for a long time.” She handed him the key.
    Less than ten minutes after they’d closed the door to the blue room, Rashid was back. Mufta laughed out loud pointing at his friend, “Goddamn man! I always knowed you was a quick cummer but never knowed you to be that quick!”
    Rashid shrugged and smiled. “I ain’t never had a white woman before.”
    “ I ain’t never had one either. Is she good?”
    “She’s damn good.” Rashid ordered a drink. “Damn good,” he repeated. “She’s hot for it. I mean suckin black dick makes her fuckin hot.”
    The door opened and Maureen crossed to them. She felt a bit unsteady. After she’d put on fresh lipstick and gloss, she’d wiped her pussy with a Kleenex. It had been dripping wet. Of the three men, Mufta was the least attractive; small and scrawny. She guessed he was in his forties and probably on drugs. He acted hyper; jumpy, excitable. His nose and lips were thin. His bright eyes were small and mean. He indicated she was to sit on the bar stool next to him.
    “I guess you is mine now,” he said as he placed the money in her hand. Rashid asked if she wanted another drink, but she refused. She turned toward Mufta, “Yes, for a little while I’m yours.”
    “Well, Mrs. O’Donnel, for my hundred and fifty I want you to tease me, get me hot right out here where the folks can see.”
    She glanced around. She saw Sam at the end of the bar, glaring angrily at them. She wondered what he was mad about. He was the one who sent her here. She turned back to Mufta, “I don’t know what you want me to….”
    He interrupted her, “Swing around here, bitch. Face me and spread your legs.” When she had done as he said, she noticed that the people near them stopped talking again and were watching. Mufta put his hands on her knees. His fingers were thin, his fingernails long and sharply pointed. “Look at my hands,” he said. “Look how black on your white skin.” Slowly, he began to move his hands up her thighs. “Hike your dress back,” he said. She pulled her dress up near her crotch and stared, almost hypnotized, as the black fingers inched along her leg. Her breathing became quicker. He’d been watching her carefully, “You like that, don’t you?”
    She nodded. Her eyes were still riveted on his hands that had stopped moving just below the hemline of her dress. “Yes, I like it.”
    With a quick claw like motion, he dug the fingernails of both hands into her skin. She flinched and uttered a little cry. “You liked that, too?” he asked.
    She stared at the red marks where he’d almost broken the skin. “Yes,” she said.
    He leaned forward looking into her face, “When we go into the blue room I’m gonna make you do things. I mean do things more than suck my prick. You know that now, don’t you?”
    Rashid frowned, “Listen here, Mufta, don’t you go gettin crazy. I mean sometimes, you know how it is, you get a little weird and rough.”
    Maureen glanced down at Mufta’s hands again then looked into his hard black eyes, “It’s all right, Rashid,” she said. “It’s all right.”
    Mufta stood up and stepped between her spread legs. “You got a soft, sweet mouth,” he said. “I think you want to kiss me.” She tilted her head and reached up to hold his face between her hands. She groaned inwardly as her parted lips pressed his. When they separated she continued to look into his eyes. He nodded, “I’m gonna make you do things,” he said again.
    “Yes, I understand,” she said. She gave him the key and followed him to the door with the blue light.
    Inside he sat in the leather chair and leaning back pointed to the floor between his parted legs. Quickly, Maureen got to her knees. Mufta extend

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