Mary Poppins

Read Mary Poppins for Free Online

Book: Read Mary Poppins for Free Online
Authors: P. L. Travers
"Pooh, he's a ninkypoop!"
    "How do you know?" asked Jane, very interested.
    "I know because I heard Daddy call him one this morning!" said Michael, and he laughed at Andrew very rudely.
    "He is
a nincompoop," said Mary Poppins. "And that is that."
    And Mary Poppins was right. Andrew wasn't a nincompoop, as you will very soon see.
    You must not think he did not respect Miss Lark. He did. He was even fond of her in a mild sort of way. He couldn't help having a kindly feeling for somebody who had been so good to him ever since he was a puppy, even if she
kiss him rather too often. But there was no doubt about it that the life Andrew led bored him to distraction. He would have given half his fortune, if he had one, for a nice piece of raw, red meat, instead of the usual breast of chicken or scrambled eggs with asparagus.
    For in his secret, innermost heart, Andrew longed to be a common dog. He never passed his pedigree (which hung on the wall in Miss Lark's drawing-room) without a shudder of shame. And many a time he wished he'd never had a father, nor a grandfather, nor a great-grandfather, if Miss Lark was going to make such a fuss of it.
    It was this desire of his to
a common dog that made Andrew choose common dogs for his friends. And whenever he got the chance, he would run down to the front gate and sit there watching for them, so that he could exchange a few common remarks. But Miss Lark, when she discovered him, would be sure to call out:
    "Andrew, Andrew, come in, my darling! Come away from those dreadful street arabs!"
    And of course Andrew would
to come in, or Miss Lark would shame him by coming out and
him in. And Andrew would blush and hurry up the steps so that his friends should not hear her calling him her Precious, her Joy, her Little Lump of Sugar.
    Andrew's most special friend was more than common, he was a Byword. He was half an Airedale and half a Retriever and the worst half of both. Whenever there was a fight in the road he would be sure to be in the thick of it; he was always getting into trouble with the Postman or the Policeman, and there was nothing he loved better than sniffing about in drains or garbage tins. He was, in fact, the talk of the whole street, and more than one person had been heard to say thankfully that they were glad he was not
    But Andrew loved him and was continually on the watch for him. Sometimes they had only time to exchange a sniff in the Park, but on luckier occasions — though these were very rare — they would have long talks at the gate. From his friend, Andrew heard all the town gossip, and you could see by the rude way in which the other dog laughed as he told it, that it wasn't very complimentary.
    Then suddenly Miss Lark's voice would be heard calling from a window, and the other dog would get up, loll out his tongue at Miss Lark, wink at Andrew and wander off, waving his hindquarters as he went just to show that
didn't care.
    Andrew, of course, was never allowed outside the gate unless he went with Miss Lark for a walk in the Park, or with one of the maids to have his toes manicured.
    Imagine, then, the surprise of Jane and Michael when they saw Andrew, all alone, careering past them through the Park, with his ears back and his tail up as though he were on the track of a tiger.
    Mary Poppins pulled the perambulator up with a jerk, in case Andrew, in his wild flight, should upset it and the Twins. And Jane and Michael screamed at him as he passed.
    "Hi, Andrew! Where's your overcoat?" cried Michael, trying to make a high, windy voice like Miss Lark's.
    "Andrew, you naughty little boy!" said Jane, and her voice, because she was a girl, was much more like Miss Lark's.
    But Andrew just looked at them both very haughtily and barked sharply in the direction of Mary Poppins.
    "Yap-yap!" said Andrew several times very quickly.
    "Let me see. I think it's the first on your right and second house on the left-hand side," said Mary

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