Marti Talbotts Highlander Series 1 - Anna Rachel u Charlet

Read Marti Talbotts Highlander Series 1 - Anna Rachel u Charlet for Free Online

Book: Read Marti Talbotts Highlander Series 1 - Anna Rachel u Charlet for Free Online
Authors: Marti Talbott
off and a square had been cut out of the back to keep it from rubbing against her wounds. Anna’s new shoes, compliments of the cobbler who worked all night to make them, fit amazingly well. Her hair was neatly tucked under the scarf, except for the two curls, and she closed her eyes when she tasted the wonderful stew one of the women brought for her noon meal. The woman even made sure the chunks were cut small enough to swallow without chewing. It seemed like a lifetime since she’d eaten a full meal and she couldn ’ t hide her enjoyment, which she could see, pleased the woman immensely.
    Katie had been in and out all morning, putting more salve on her wounds and fussing over her like a mother hen. Anna couldn’t remember a time when anyone, except her father’s servants when they were allowed to, ever cared about her so much. She felt content , warm and yes, even loved -- which worried her. This was an altogether different world than the one she grew up in. Her world offered only harshness, pain and sorrow. How long before this world fell apart?
    When Anna finished her meal and the woman took it away, she was alone for the first time. She tried not to think about her troubles and looked around at her surroundings instead. It was a large room, much larger than she realized. The furnishings were made of dark wood, colorful drawings hung on the walls and the bed was near enough to the hearth to keep her warm at night. Fresh flowers floated in a bowl of water on the table. She took her time standing up and found she wasn’t nearly as sore as she thought.
    There was the ha rd lump on the top of one shoulder , and of course, one on the side of her knee. So long as no one touched them, she decided she could bear that pain. If only her back and her face would stop hurting. She walked to the window and looked out.
    Then she remembered she was actually married to the man she had dreamed about for the better part of two years. How was that possible? All that time , she knew he was a Highlander and probably dangerous, but he didn’t seem to be now. She knew by the way he demanded to know who had hurt her, that he could be dangerous when he needed to be. Yet , she also felt his regret for raising his voice. She thought about how tender he was with her and how he cared about her pain. It was very strange behavior for a man, let alone a Highlander.
    Anna was contemplating the idea that he may someday love her , when she heard a shout downstairs and froze. It took all her courage, but she gathered her wits, peeked out the door and then eased out on the balcony , until she could look down into the great hall below. Kevin was flanked by three of his warriors and he didn’t look happy. A commoner, dressed in English attire, had his back to her , and it was clear the man was trembling.
    “I am her husband . I f you have a message for her, you will give it to me!” said Kevin.
    The stranger could hardly get the words out. “You are married? Already? We thought the wedding was tomorrow week.”
    “Our plans have changed. Either give me the message or be gone with you.”
    “No!” She said it before she realized what she was doing and darted back inside the bedchamber.
    Kevin looked up at the empty place where he spotted her earlier and reconsidered. Perhaps the message was about Rachel. “My wife cannot come down, but if you speak your message loud enough , I am certain she will hear you.”
    The commoner refused. “The message is for her ears only. ‘Tis from her mother.”
    Ignoring the pain and stiffness in her body, Anna walked the length of the balcony and started down the stairs. Her injured knee wasn’t bending very well, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She was grateful when Thomas raced up to make sure she didn’t fall, thanked him and then turned to the commoner, “What is it, Harold?”
    “Dear God, what have they done to your face?”
    She dismissed his outburst. “Why has my mother sent you? I s she

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