Mark of the Dagger (The Marked Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Mark of the Dagger (The Marked Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Stella Rae
As she laid there staring at the ceiling, she thought of her time here the last two month.  Even adding in the fact that she still hadn’t made any friends, she thought this move was completely worth it.
    Physically, she had never looked or felt so great. She had muscles for the first time in her life, her legs were toned and her stomach was completely smooth.  She had the ideal body, a body she knows she never would have achieved on her own now that she knew how much work went into it.
    Mentally she was a little drained though it was getting better. She hadn't had as many sleepless nights as she had when she first arrived. She learned to ignore the rumors and taunts as best she could. She also learned to talk to Joe when things got too rough for her to handle.
    She wasn't as proud a person as she used to be and knew how to suck it up and ask for help, even when she doesn't want to. Had it not been for her uncle’s little talk out in the woods, she probably would have quit by now. But she would only admit that to herself.
    With a sigh she sat up, knowing she would never get back to sleep; she had too much energy left over. You would think that all these extra workouts would wear her out. Sometimes they did but there were other times like tonight when they had the opposite effect. Now, she was just restless. She laced up her tennis shoes, not bothering to change out of her pajama pants and tank top.
    Dani snuck out of her dorm room and down the hall as quietly as possible. From what she could tell, the spells in the dorm were only to keep the boys from the girls’ side and vice versa. There was nothing locking the students in. Not that she noticed, and she snuck out a lot.
    At the front door, she turned to make sure it closed quietly. Once it did, she backed up a few steps and ran into something solid. With a little yip, she turned around to see a girl standing on the porch in front of her.
    "Shh,” the girl said on a snicker. "Where are you sneaking off to?" she asked Dani.
    "Geez, you about gave me a heart attack." Dani put a hand on her chest as if that would keep her heart from exploding outward.
    "Sorry," the girl said, not sounding sorry at all.
    Dani took in a deep breath of night air and felt herself calm. She looked at the girl with black corkscrew curls and said, "It's all clear in there. No one is awake." And she started to descend the steps. It wasn't until she was on the bottom step that she noticed the beams of flashlights bobbing on the path about twenty yards in front of her. She stood frozen.
    Within seconds, corkscrew girl was down the steps, grabbed Dani by the arm and pulled her to the other side of the building. Keeping them both hidden from the older hunters making their nightly rounds.
    "Oh my God," Dani whispered. It came out on a nervous laugh.
    "Girl you need to learn to be stealthy."
    "Yeah, I'll learn that next," Dani said, and the girl snickered.
    "I'm Jan by the way," she introduced herself. Dani started to do the same, but she was cut off. "Yeah, I know who you are." Dani's heart sank. Jan would most likely hate her on principle too.
    "Oh," Dani said
    "I live across the hall. I haven't been able to introduce myself to you, you're always busy or either not in there."
    "Oh?" Dani asked in a lighter mood. "I figured you were going to say that you knew who I was and shouldn't be here and blah blah blah, like everyone else." She rolled her eyes.
    "Say what? That you’re the mixed blooded girl? That you’re the first mixed blood to get marked? That you are a DuPont? Those are all true right?" Jan shrugged. "Who cares? You are who you are and you can't change it. And I doubt you would if you could right?"
    "Thanks," Dani said. "That’s the nicest thing anyone here has said to me."
    "Wow that must suck '‘cos I wasn't being nice, I was being honest."
    With a laugh Dani said, "Yeah, anyway I'll let you sneak back inside. Coast is clear now and I want to go to the pond." She turned and started

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