same. It would do no good for anyone if she were to start an argument in front of the other students. Uncle or not, while they were on this campus he was a teacher first. One that deserved her respect.
They were quiet on the walk to his living quarters. When they entered his room she sat on his big overstuffed leather chair while he dug around for something under the bed. This was the first time she had ever been in his room and she stared around curiously. It was big as rooms went. The teacher's quarters were almost exactly like the kids. Though he had enough room for a chair, love seat and entertainment center. There were pictures of her and her mom, her grandparents and a few of Joe in places all over the world. There was a copy of her favorite picture hanging over his TV; the one of her, her dad and Joe. It brought a smile to her lips when she saw it.
The lucky man had his own private bathroom. Lucky , she thought. She hated the communal bathroom even if it was only shared between her and the occupant of the room to her right.
“I want one of those,” Dani said pointing to the mini fridge on the other side of his sofa.
"What?" he replied still half under his bed.
"A fridge. Can I have one in my room?"
"Nope, teachers only," he laughed. She rolled her eyes.
A minute later he pulled out a green box as long as her arm. She didn't say anything until he laid it in her lap.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Open it." After a moment’s hesitation she did. There, lying in the lined green velvet case was the sword from her dream. She gasped with delight running her fingers along the Ruby and Emerald hilt. It was even more spectacular in person.
"It's beautiful," she said looking at Joe. "This is the sword I dreamed about," she told him in case he didn't know.
"I figured, that's why I'm showing it to you," he sat down in front of her, leaning against his bed. "You haven't seen this sword since you were three. Do you remember it?"
She jerked in response. "Oh my God. This was Dad's wasn't it?" she asked reverently. When he nodded she added, "I remember it now, but before my dream I hadn't ever thought about it. Even after the dream I didn't place the connection."
"That will be yours one day. I've been saving it for you, but I'll have to hold on to it until you have had your training." Her eyes filled and she blinked rapidly to keep them from falling she nodded.
"I can't really explain it Uncle Joe, but in my dream...”Dani took a deep breath to calm herself enough to explain what she was feeling and hoped that he wouldn't think she was crazy. “In my dream the sword fit so perfectly, and it was this total feeling of elation when I lifted it." She shrugged.
"I understand completely. That sword was meant to be yours one day. It was the same when I found mine. Like a reuniting of old friends that felt right, perfect. It felt like coming home," he said.
"That's exactly it." She ran her hand lovingly across the sword one more time before shutting the case. "Thank you for showing it to me."
"Welcome," he said standing up. "The day your mom called and told me you had been marked I had this made for you." He was rummaging through his nightstand drawer. "I wanted to wait to give it to you until you decided if you were staying or not. I think we have established that you are not going anywhere." He turned back to her with a smile and a small box.
When she opened it, she saw a ring made of black tungsten. On the front was carved the family insignia: A warrior in mid-evil armor pointing his sword toward the crescent moon. She smiled “It's just like yours and dads." She slipped the ring on the index finger of her right hand. The same finger Joe and Jake wore theirs and gave him a hug. "It fits!"
"Well, you have been working hard and you deserve it."
"Thanks Uncle Joe. This means a lot."
Early the next morning Dani was in bed, twisting her ring round and round her finger. Sleep was evading her once again.