
Read Magnet for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Magnet for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Space Opera, Erotic Romance
a few minutes before he smiled at Polly. “We are ordered to the evacuation site. The city is clear and it seems a cancelling wave is moving toward the original one. We will remain with the population until it is ascertained that the wave is no longer a threat.”
    She nodded. “To the riot runner?”
    “Indeed. I will admit I love it when you wrap your arms around me.”
    Polly smiled, “Just be glad I don’t give in to my impulses and let them wander. It would be dangerous.”
    “I hereby give you encouragement to do whatever comes into your thoughts.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
    As they returned to the runner and got settled, she grinned; he did a lot of speaking through his eyebrows. Those poor pale blue arches had a lot of communicating to do.
    She flattened her hands against his chest and held him tight as the riot runner lifted off. They had to drive through the town and up into the hills, so she started by slowly moving her hands up his chest and down to his upper thighs before stroking lightly in between his parted knees and up his inner thighs.
    It was an act that required attention to detail. She wanted to get close to his cock without touching it, and when they began to jerk and shimmy, she behaved and placed her hands flat on his abdomen again.
    She was surprised when he took her left hand and guided it back to his inner thigh, but she stroked the fabric of his suit slowly as they approached the evacuation site.
    His muscles were completely tense by the time they landed, and she dismounted from the riot runner easily, heading for the Guardian ship that was acting as a communication centre.
    A woman stood near a man made of metallic colours. Her own skin had the silvery sheen that Polly had come to associate with the Terran transplants.
    “Hello, Rand, Nanette.” Polly smiled brightly.
    Nanette extended her hand and there was definite heat in the grip. “You must be Polly.”
    “Guilty as charged.”
    “I am glad you have come. Now that we have a solid bank of Terrans here, the boys don’t stand a chance.”
    Polly giggled. “I don’t think they stood a chance from the moment Beryl landed.”
    Nanette snickered. “You may be right about that.”
    They entered the ship and stood for the briefing. Something had created the negative wave and it was heading out to sea. With nothing else to do, they were assigned to mingle with citizens and keep them calm.
    Polly stayed next to Loesh while they mingled with the locals. A flicker out of the corner of her eye got her attention, and she turned toward it.
    “What is it?”
    “Do they have small animals around here?”
    “They could have. Why?”
    “I have been seeing something all day; it is flickering just out of my field of vision. It is small and red and looks like an Earth squirrel.”
    “A what?”
    She looked around at the crowd that was staring at the shoreline far below and held her hands out about a foot apart to indicate height. “It is a small rodent about this tall with a bushy tail and red fur.”
    “I haven’t seen anything. Where was it?”
    Loesh’s nostrils were flaring as he tried to find the scent of something that shouldn’t be there. “I can’t sense anything.”
    She looked around and saw a twitch of a furry red tail behind an emergency shelter. “Excuse me.”
    She left Loesh and followed that fluffy tail. Polly passed curious W’lyn males that she glared down, and she continued to stalk the flickering traces of the familiar creature.
    Polly set up a repulsion field around her as she walked to minimise the contact with horny W’lyn males. She didn’t care that she was shorting out immediate digital displays; she wanted to find that squirrel.

Chapter Seven
    Loesh couldn’t find Polly and it made him excessively uneasy. Her trail led off behind one of the emergency shelters and disappeared into nothing.
    He returned to the makeshift headquarters and asked, “Has anyone seen Polly? She was with me and

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