
Read Magnet for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Magnet for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Space Opera, Erotic Romance
around him a moment before he took off.
    They moved swiftly through the streets, past the empty homes and the lashing waves.
    Polly wished that she could appreciate the feel of Loesh under her hands, but she was too busy trying to hold in the energy so that their conveyance wouldn’t drop to the ground.
    She felt relief the moment that Loesh found an occupied building. She hopped off the runner and headed to the building with Loesh right behind her.
    “Polly, what is wrong?”
    She gritted her teeth. “I don’t know. I am all powered up, and if I don’t find somewhere to expend this energy, I feel like I am going to fly apart.”
    He put his hand on her shoulder. “Go and expend it; I will speak with the inhabitant and call you if I need you.”
    She swallowed. “I will try.”
    Polly walked to the edge of the beach, and she stared out at the ocean. She prodded at the water with her magnetism, and she managed a shallow shove. Her inner tension released a little, so she put the extra energy into her grasp and she pushed as hard as she could at the incoming waves.
    She watched as the water rose and tumbled back on itself before she gave a final shove that sent a roll of seawater streaking back toward the open ocean.
    Polly fell to her knees and sighed in relief. Whatever had piled up in her nerves had left with that large surge.
    She stood and headed back to Loesh and his conversation with the man who refused to evacuate.
    The moment that the wind took her scent to the muscle-bound jerk, she saw him straighten and his attention was firmly fixed on her.
    “And who might you be, lovely?”
    Loesh crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at her, encouraging her to speak.
    “I am Guardian Polly. You are?”
    “Tomyos, and you are striking. Where have you been all my life?”
    To Polly’s surprise, he came out of his home and approached her. He was a hulk of a man, wide shoulders, thick neck and glossy white hair that tumbled to the small of his back.
    She leaned back as he leaned in to sniff her. She would have used her grip on his clothing to push him back, but he was only wearing a short wrap around his hips. The wrap was distinctly tented by his erection.
    “Back away, sir. I am not interested.”
    “Oh, but you smell like you are. With a little bit of effort on my part, I am sure that we could have a lovely few days.”
    He reached out for her, and she did what she had been trained to; she grabbed his arm, pulled him off balance and kicked his knee out from under him, with one fist to his jaw to stun him while she backed up.
    Loesh grinned. “I don’t think that she wants to spend time with you, Lord Mayor.”
    Polly glared at him. “Stop grinning and grab his ass to haul him out of here.”
    “Can I grab his arm instead?” Loesh was laughing as he hauled the man to his feet and escorted him to his vehicle.
    When the mayor drove toward the evacuation zone, they continued their search for holdouts.
    “You were going to let him grab me?” Polly scowled.
    “You are a Guardian and you must be able to defend yourself against any who would threaten you.”
    “He didn’t threaten me. Well, not really.”
    “Until you select a W’lyn mate, you will be subjected to that kind of attention. Our people operate on scent and you smell like sex.”
    She made a face. “I have heard that.”
    “It is true. You smell like an aroused W’lyn female. Beryl smelled the same when she arrived. Toyo got to her before Rand could and he managed to make a favourable impression on her. It is distracting as hell.”
    She snorted as they walked on, “You seem to be coping.”
    “I am very well trained, but it does affect me as well.”
    She chuckled, checked the estimated time of the wave strike only to find that there was an alert.
    “Can you check in with Toyo? I think something is up.” Polly looked at the screen only to see conflicting times as well as additional alerts.
    He nodded and made a call.
    Loesh and Toyo spoke for

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