Mad Swine (Book 2): Dead Winter
    Surprisingly, the therapy worked. In as little as a week we noticed that Wesley was perkier and less withdrawn. He started talking to Ray, asking him questions about Cody, learning his schedules and habits. Although he wouldn’t admit it, Ray liked having Wesley around, and he liked being able to teach the boy. When Wesley was around, Ray was a completely transformed man. The two were an odd couple, but they seemed to need each other.
    “Ray wants you to take Cody for a walk. Can you manage that?”
    “Yes, sir,” Wesley said and sprung away like the devil was giving him chase. He eagerly snatched his coat from the back of one of the kitchen chairs and exited the kitchen through the garage. Before the door closed, I glimpsed Cody greet his little master with wagging tail and wet tongue. I had a feeling that some of Wesley’s excitement might have something to do with the mounds of snow outside and all fun things a kid could imagine to do with it, not just spending time with the dog.
    “Good morning, everyone,” I said as I took my seat at the head of the table. “Sorry I’m late.”
    The murmur of chatting almost immediately ceased as I pulled in my chair and got myself comfortable. I looked around the table and saw bright faces ready to start the day and meet any challenges with determination and tenacity.
    The council was made up of nine individuals, myself included, who were leaders, each in charge of a major infrastructure unit within our community. At the head of the table across from me sat Kat Dudyck, who was currently the leader of our militia. Tall, blond, and beautiful, with a commanding voice that demanded respect, Kat pulled double duty as lead for our internal security team, assuming the position after Bob’s death. Kat also acted as my second in command and brought great experience and logic to the decision making process.
    To Kat’s left sat Sam, her life partner. Although not as tall as Kat, Sam was exotically beautiful with her dark brown hair and green eyes. Formerly a yoga instructor, Sam was fit and always on the move. After our tragic losses during the war with Providence, Sam volunteered to take over as our supply leader, taking the position Kat previously held. Sam was perfect for the job. She was stern but fair and she was a natural people person. Her energy and enthusiasm were tireless.
    Next to Sam sat Reverend Reggie who also filled a double role as our morale officer and graves administrator. A shock of light brown hair and thin framed glasses, along with the somber look gave credibility to his character. During the war, Reggie and his volunteers showed considerable courage and dignity in attending to the dead and administering last rites for our fallen. In the aftermath, Reggie provided counsel to those in need and guided others in prayer, giving each individual what they needed, spiritually and mentally, to get them through their extraordinary experiences.
    Albert Sanchez was a squat man with a strong build and a thick, slab-like stomach. Prior to retiring to Randall Oaks, Albert had been the top man at Streets and Sanitation, so it only made sense that he’d become our man in charge of grounds and maintenance. At age sixty-three, Albert was extremely active. I think the fact that he had one young child and one teenager had something to do with his activity level. Over the last three months Albert and his crew had come up with weekly trash services, but more importantly, they had taken readily to the task of dealing with the dead infected. With knowledge imparted from Brian and myself, based on what we knew from our years of military service, Albert and crew had successfully disposed of all infected to date, without incident.
    Across from Albert and to my left was Paul Dazzo, our engineer and the man responsible for providing this place with electricity and converting our gas stoves to wood burning. Paul was also retired, but unlike Albert, Paul had difficulty getting around; two

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