
Read Lured for Free Online

Book: Read Lured for Free Online
Authors: Ava McKnight
Tags: Erótica
strange creatures that eased closer to her. And the Grim Reaper…
    Darien .
    He’d lured her here. He was the one who’d directed her to this room. She’d fallen into his trap so easily, and now she couldn’t get out because she’d been drugged. She couldn’t think straight, let alone fend off these…creatures.
    No! This had to be a deranged delusion.
    But what if it wasn’t?
    “Oh God,” Cass whispered as the creatures inched closer. It was all true. This was all real. She knew it to the core of her being, traumatizing realization that it was.
    A strangled cry fell from her lips. She was bordering on hysterics. She could feel them building inside her. Irrational thoughts crowded her mind, like how ashamed her mother would be if Cass’ body ended up floating in the river tomorrow morning—corset, fishnet stockings, slutty stilettos and all.
    No, she couldn’t let that happen. She had to do something. She couldn’t just give in, just let these freaks have at her!
    Unexpectedly, the pirate freed her from his death grip. Relief washed over Cass and she frantically turned back to the door. She gripped the knob and yanked on it, but the pirate wouldn’t let her out. One hand was back on the door, keeping it shut, as his arm wrapped around her waist, helping her to stand as her knees buckled.
    “Please,” she pleaded with him. “Let me out.” Her voice grew louder, more insistent. “Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! ”
    Something slimy pawed at her. She screamed. A bloodcurdling, seemingly endless scream that came from deep within her. She pulled on the knob again with all the strength she could muster.
    The pirate whirled her around and pushed her up against the door. “Don’t fight them. You’ll only make it worse.”
    “Help me,” she pleaded with him, her eyes seemingly dancing in the sockets so that she couldn’t see straight.
    “I’ve tried to help you. Damn it, I did what I could. Just give in to the drugs,” he insisted.
    He tossed her to the floor, several feet away from one of the demons she still wanted to believe—in her desperation—were a hallucination. A figment of her imagination.
    She heard the hissing noise again, louder this time. It echoed in her ears, seemingly surrounding her. She felt weak and limp. There was no way she’d be able to get to her feet. There was no way she’d ever escape this. She was going to die. All because she’d wanted to get laid. How positively absurd and unjust!
    Suddenly, and much to her horror, one of the long arms of a demon shot out and gripped her ankle, making her shoe fall off. The slimy appendage coiled around her, all the way up her leg, the nasty fingers digging deep into her thigh. One quick tug and she was pulled across the cold, rough concrete floor. She grabbed hold of the pirate’s booted ankle and gripped it as tightly as she could in her weakened state. But the creature on the other end yanked harder and she lost her hold on the pirate.
    She cried out again.
    Another arm wrapped around her, at the waist, and whipped her off the ground. The arms retracted and she was instantly pressed against the demon.
    Definitely not a costume !
    And the stench emitted from the creatures… It made her gag. She wanted to heave at the smell of death and decay. It was as though everything inside them had decomposed and the repulsive odor was seeping out of their pores. If they even had pores. She couldn’t tell. But she did see her captor’s pronged tongue dart out. It flicked her earlobe and she let loose another scream, not sure where she’d found the strength, but grateful she had.
    A heartbeat later, the door burst open behind her. Cass’ head snapped in that direction. Before she could get a fix on what was happening, a body flew toward her. She felt it connect with hers and she cried out as pain lanced through her from head to toe. The three of them fell to the ground—she on top of the demon, the other body on top

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