Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5)

Read Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5) for Free Online

Book: Read Love's First Flames (Banished Saga, 0.5) for Free Online
Authors: Ramona Flightner
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Pioneer
out behind him, as one of the footmen cleared his throat in distress at their presence. Gabriel lifted his chin, meeting the footman’s glowering gaze with one of defiance. “Where should we sit, Mrs. Thynne?”
    “You boys should sit on the bench near the wall.” She pointed with her spoon and cast a severe glare at the other staff milling about, daring them to contradict her. They fell silent, and everyone found seats. Mrs. Thynne served bowls of beef stew and slabs of crusty, day-old bread to dunk into it.
    Gabriel and his brothers ate, ignored by the other servants as conversation flowed around, but never included, them. Mrs. Thynne kept her silence and didn’t attempt to engage the boys in conversation. When the rest of the staff rose to continue their duties, Mrs. Thynne nodded for Gabriel, Jeremy and Richard to remain seated. They sat again as the staff dispersed, most heading upstairs, some walking down the corridor near the boys’ room.
    “What have we done now?” Gabriel asked, tossing his head in a show of defiance.
    “You take that tone again with me, young man, and you won’t like it,” she said with a tap to his head with a wooden spoon. Gabriel flinched more from the tone in her voice than from the pain inflicted by her reminder upon his head. Gabriel flushed and nodded.
    “Good. I wanted you to sit here a few minutes as I can’t imagine it’s enjoyable in that cramped room of yours. And I wanted to give you some advice. Don’t try to make friends with anyone here. They’ve all been advised that any who are perceived as befriending you will lose their jobs.”
    “But what about you?” Richard asked.
    “I’m too fine a cook for her to let me go. Besides, I already have five offers of employment in other homes if I were to leave here.” Mrs. Thynne smiled with pride.
    “Don’t leave,” Gabriel said before he could stop himself. He looked down, not wanting to see the pity in her gaze.
    “I’m not going anywhere. But here, take these with you.” She held out another small stack of cookies. Jeremy reached for one, gobbling it up in a few short bites. She smiled with pleasure. “Ah, I can see I will have an appreciative audience for my cooking in you three. Although I’ll have trouble keeping you fed.” She glanced toward the door. “Off with you now.”
    They rose, walking soundlessly to their room and shutting the door behind them. “Why aren’t we to have friends here, Gabe?” Richard asked as they sat on their cots and gorged on cookies.
    “I don’t know, Rich. But that’s the way Aunt wants it, and no one here seems willing to go against what she says.” Gabriel shook his head at another cookie, letting his brothers finish the pile of cookies.
    “Oh, what I wouldn’t give for a glass of milk,” Richard said as he patted his full stomach.
    “Those were much better than Mum’s,” Jeremy said, then he bit his lips as they quivered.
    Gabriel smiled and reached over to ruffle his hair. “Mum never was a good cook, although she was awful proud at the trying of it.”
    “Are they really dead, Gabe?” Richard whispered.
    “I think so,” Gabriel said as he met their mournful eyes. “I can’t imagine Aunt would take us in for any other reason. And I know Mum would never let us come here if she were alive.”
    “Or Da. He’d want us with him,” Richard said with fierce pride.
    “Yeah. So they must be . . .” Gabriel said, unwilling to say the word. He firmed his mouth. “We’ll be fine. There’s still the three of us. And you’re right, Rich. Uncle Aidan’ll come and get us. He’d never let us stay here. He’ll want us.”
    Richard’s and Jeremy’s eyes lit with joy at the thought of their uncle coming to take them away.
    “He’ll come soon. He has all those Christmas presents for us. He won’t want them to go to anyone other than his nephews.” Gabriel watched as his words soothed Jeremy and Richard, and they settled onto their cots for their first

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