and fucking in the kitchen was not something that I would normally do with anyone, but she sure brought it out in me.
    The more I thought ab out it, the more I realized how good Kelli was for me.
    What void I had felt for the majority of recent years Kelli had filled fully, and she filled it naturally. As naturally as she was submissive, she was also a perfect natural fit for me. She fit me perfectly as woman, a respective other, and as a lover.
    To think of ever trying to live without her was something that I could not make taste good in my mouth. Kelli provided for me a level of satisfaction that most men would only dream of, and she did so by simply existing.
    As I pulled the car into the driveway, the reality of everything set into place. I exhaled, opened the door, and walked up the walk to the front door. Before I rang the doorbell, the door opened.
    “Get your ass in here, you weren’t going to ring the fucking bell were you?” he asked.
    “I intended to,” I responded.
    “Good fucking God, son. Get in here,” he said as he stepped aside to allow me into the house.
    “Coffee?” he asked as soon as I stepped into the house.
    “Sure,” I responded.
    “Cream and sugar, right?” he asked.
    “Yes sir,” I responded as he walked into the kitchen.
    I walked and sat in the chair that I had sat in the day Kelli and I first came here. He walked into the living room and handed me the cup of coffee.
    “Damn, that’s good coffee,” I said as I took a sip from the cup.
    “Well, it’s not that six dollar a cup shit you normally drink, but it ain’t all bad, is it ?” he asked.
    “It’s really pretty good,” I said as I took another sip.
    “Well, that was something about that Jacob kid, wasn’t it?” he asked as he sat down.
    “Who?” I asked, not immediately recognizing who he was speaking of.
    “Alec Jacob. What do you guys call him?”
    “Oh, A-Train. What about him?” I asked, thinking about A-Train’s incident with the police.
    “Oh, just that the cops were trying to railroad him for something that he obviously wasn’t involved in,” he said, trying to unsuccessfully hide a smirk of a smile.
    “Yeah, I’m glad that’s over,” I said as I took another sip of coffee from the cup.
    When it came time to stand up, Gene stood up. I admired him for doing that. I would always admire him for having done what he did for Alec. Who knows where A-Train would be now without Gene’s help.
    “So, to what do I owe this honor, son? Are you alright? How’s that new home?” he asked.
    I finished the coffee, and placed the cup on the table beside the chair. I leaned forward, took a breath, and then exhaled.
    “The new home is great. Kelli is really enjoying the place. She has it decorated the way she wants it. She was exercising when I left. I imagine she’s cleaning something in there now. Hell, she can’t stop cleaning, she’s really proud of the place. Oh, and I’m sorry you were too sick to come to the party the other day, we missed you, Gene,” I said.
    “Well, I was sick as a God damned dog, probably the damned flu,” he said as he took a sip from his cup.
    I nodded and leaned forward to the front edge of the cushion.
    “So, Kelli said you were looking at buying a new bike – something she could actually ride on. Did you get one?” he asked.
    “No, we tried. They were too damned high, we were ten percent apart on price,” I answered, not wanting to give the exact amount of money that we disagreed on.
    “Well, you know what they say about that damned place. Hell it’s no secret that the guy’s a crook.  I could teach that asshole a little about running a dealership, you know it?” he laughed.
    “I’m sure you could,” I agreed.
    “He’s looking to sell the damned place. Wants six fucking million,” Gene said, shaking his head.
    “Jesus. Six?” I said, not realizing the place was for sale.
    “Yep, I found out the other day at a city-wide dealership meeting. He’s out of his

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