Love Slave for Two: Reunions [Love Slave for Two 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Love Slave for Two: Reunions [Love Slave for Two 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online

Book: Read Love Slave for Two: Reunions [Love Slave for Two 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Romance
formal dining room table, extended by a folding table and extra chairs, Karen cleared her throat.
    “Before we dig in,” she said, “Bill and I would like to say something.” She held his hand and looked at him.
    Nevvie instinctively knew what was coming as he stood, but managed to hold back her squee of joy. “Mrs. Kinsey—”
    “Mom,” Peggy corrected.
    He smiled. “Mom.” He looked next at Tom and then the other sisters. “Tom, everyone. I’ve asked Karen to marry me. And we’d like to know if we have your blessings.”
    Nevvie felt the squee building inside her, ready to explode.
    “Only if she said yes,” Peggy drawled, smiling.
    “Oh, you bet I said yes, Momma,” Karen said.
    “Then of course you have our blessings.”
    Karen jumped up and ran to hug her mother. Nevvie, unable to stand it anymore, jumped up, unleashing her happy squee . As soon as Karen straightened, she gave Karen a bouncy bear hug.
    “You fink!” Nevvie scolded. “You didn’t tell me!” She considered Karen her best friend.
    Karen laughed. “I know, I wanted to, but I wanted to make sure Momma knew first.”
    Bill also stood and got a hug from Peggy, then from Nevvie. By this time, everyone had stood to congratulate the lovebirds. After several minutes of hugs and happy tears, Peggy grabbed her tea spoon and clinked it against her glass.
    “All right, kiddos. We’ve got a happy occasion to celebrate, so let’s sit down and eat before the food gets cold. And don’t forget, we’ve got red velvet cake and ice cream for dessert.”
    Karen gave one last hug to Tom before they sat. “Will you give me away, bro?”
    Nevvie didn’t miss the misty look in his eyes. “Of course I will,” he said, his voice suddenly sounding hoarse. “You’d better believe it.”
    * * * *
    Nevvie had looked forward to staying up late to talk with Karen and the others, but she caught herself yawning after helping wash and dry the dishes.
    Tyler noticed. “Love, you’re knackered. Why don’t you go to bed.”
    Peggy nodded. “You do look worn out, sweetie.”
    “I think I will. Ty, can you guys take care of the boys?”
    “Absolutely, love. Go to bed.”
    After saying good-night to everyone, she headed to the bedroom they always used when staying there, Tom’s old bedroom that had its own bathroom. Tyler had originally suggested sleeping in the RV, but she nixed that idea.
    At least a few more nights in a good bed. It wasn’t that the RV wasn’t comfortable, but they’d be spending enough time in it as it was.
    She thought she might wake up when her men came to bed, but the next she knew, it was morning, and sunlight crept in through the blinds over the window. She found herself snuggled tightly against a sleeping Tom, but Tyler wasn’t in bed.
    Being careful not to wake Tom, she used the bathroom and pulled on a robe. From all her years as a nurse, Peggy Kinsey was a habitually early riser. Nevvie smelled coffee brewing and the delicious aroma of something baking.
    When Nevvie made it out to the kitchen, she found Tyler, Andrew, and Peggy gathered around the table there.
    “Ah, good morning, love,” Tyler said. He stood to fix her a mug of coffee and handed it to her.
    “Thanks. What time is it?”
    “Nearly six thirty,” Peggy said.
    Nevvie sat at the table with them. “What’s in the oven?”
    “Andrew helped me make cinnamon rolls,” Peggy said.
    Nevvie eyed the two of them over her mug, hoping her smile didn’t show through. “Smells delicious.”
    “I told Peggy I’d be honored if she’d let me cook dinner for us tonight,” Andrew said. Tonight the crowd would be far smaller, with only Karen and Bill joining them for dinner.
    “I’ll take you to the store,” Nevvie offered.
    “I’ll do it, love,” Tyler said.
    “Nope.” She reached over and poked him in the shoulder. “You are going to get some work done today,” she said. “I can take him shopping.”
    After a few more back and forths, it was

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