Love Potion #9
gutter and his gaze out of her cleavage.
    It wasn’t easy.
    And the way she leaned against him to kiss his throat wasn’t helping. “Maybe we should adjourn to the bedroom,” she whispered, her words heating Mitch’s very blood.
    Wait a minute! Mitch cleared his throat deliberately. What he had to do was get to the root of the story.
    Right! He’d ask the questions. Familiar ground, to be sure. He summoned his best reporter voice. “When exactly did you tell me that you’d make it worth my while?”
    The lady chuckled, her breasts pressed against his chest as she backed Mitch into the door. Mitch’s nostrils flooded with the scent of that wondrous perfume, his hands itched to close around her slender waist.
    He stared at the ceiling and knew he was in big trouble.
    â€œWell, I never told you directly,” she admitted. “But it was in the spell I cast to summon you.” She winked when he looked at her in astonishment, those fingertips sliding up his neck and into his hair. “You must have heard me.”
    A little bit too late, Mitch understood her words and remembered his neighbor’s stock in trade. “What spell?” he managed to ask
    â€œThe spell that brought you here.” The woman chuckled under her breath. “I’m a witch now. I guess you didn’t know.” Her manner was easy, as though she was confiding something mundane, like a fondness for chocolate. It made it even harder for Mitch to make sense of what she was saying. “I make spells, read fortunes, all of that stuff.” The tip of her tongue slid into Mitch’s ear and he closed his eyes against a tidal wave of desire. “Right now, though, I’d rather make love.”
    Mitch grasped her upper arms, put as much space between them as he could, and seized on her claim. He was more than ready to set the record straight. “No, you see, you’ve got it all wrong. No spell summoned me. I just came to find out about your sign...”
    But her hearty laugh startled him into silence. “Sebastian! We’ve known each other long enough that we don’t need to play games.”
    Mitch stared at her as his blood turned to ice.
    Sebastian? Why did she call him Sebastian?
    Because, obviously, she thought he was someone else! Suddenly the enthusiasm of her welcome made a whole lot more sense. Mitch had just made one hell of a mistake. She was going to slap him when she learned the truth.
    Or worse.
    He straightened, frowned, and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I’m not Sebastian,” he admitted. The woman blinked, her surprise obvious. “You must have me confused with someone else.”
    She said nothing at all.
    As awkward moments went, this was a biggie. “Uh, Mitch Davison. Your new neighbor to the left.” He released her shoulders and stuck out his hand, but she just stared at it and frowned.
    And no wonder. She had just mistaken him for some other guy and ravished him as a result. No wonder she looked so stunned - she must be really embarrassed.
    Well, she couldn’t be any more embarrassed than Mitch was. He cleared his throat and wished he were anywhere else on the face of the earth.
    Or that the floor would yawn open and swallow him whole.
    No luck on either front, so Mitch shoved one hand through his hair and unlocked the deadbolt behind his back with the other. He took a deep breath. “Look, I’m sorry we got our wires crossed here. We’ve certainly gotten off to a rocky start and I can only apologize for my part in this.”
    The lady stared at him as though she didn’t understand what he was saying. This conversation had died and was well beyond revival. Mitch tried for his most charming smile, without any noticeable result in her response.
    Oh, he was batting a thousand here.
    â€œMaybe it would be best if we just forgot this ever happened,” he managed to suggest.
    Then, her slender hand

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